hinduism screw

  1. The_Persian_Cat

    WI: Nazi Hinduism?

    Okay, I know this sounds bad, but hear me out. This isn't a post comparing Nazis to Hindus, or Nazism to Hinduism, or anything like that; that would be ridiculous and hateful. Now, then. The Third Reich had a very interesting relationship to religion. While there were Christian Nazis, many felt...
  2. Effects Of Islamic India -

    Gow would Indian subcontinent be if it were Islamic ? Let's say Arabs are able to overrun North and Central India and Conquer them like Iran, The main question is the effects of Islamic India How would language be, will a new Islamic script emerge or could Sanskrit be written in this new...
  3. WI - Buddhist India

    Buddhism was found in India, but was outcompeted by Hinduism, But what if the reverse happened, What if Buddhism replaced Hinduism in India, how would the effects be ? Therevada Buddhism becomes the largest religion in Indian subcontinent (90 % Population) Hinduism Exists, but is clearly...