
  1. Let Us Win Through Together: A British Politics Wikibox tl
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: The 1950 general election

    Let Us Win Through Together a British Politics Wikibox tl by gaitskellitebevanite Chapter 1 Labour’s victory in the June 1950 election is now considered a foregone conclusion, but Labour was not always likely to win a second term. Opinion polls through 1948 and 1949 were bleak...
  2. Attlee dies in 1953

    What if Attlee dies in 1953 just after the coronation. Who would win the Labour leadership election? Gaitskell won in the first round in the 1955 election quite handsomely, but would Morrison do better 2 years earlier? I assume he would still come third but will he secure enough votes to push...