franklin roosevelt

  1. Vidal

    WI: FDR does not become Governor of NY in 1928?

    POD: FDR, fearing an electoral loss and believing he needs to focus on recovering from polio, refuses the 1928 draft attempts for New York governor. According to Jean Edward Smith's biography, Roosevelt repeatedly turned away calls for him to run for governor -- it was only when he was drafted...
  2. What if FDR lived long enough to complete his fourth term?

    Franklin D. Roosevelt was one of America's most unique and groundbreaking Presidents. One way he proved different from all others was by successfully breaking George Washington's famous two-term precedent, being elected four times. This is something that, in all likelihood, will never happen...
  3. DBWI: How Would Hoover Have Responded to the Great Depression?

    Although he was the second longest serving President in American history, Calvin Coolidge is generally remembered as one of America's worst chief executives. In office from August 1923 to January 1933, Coolidge did nothing to confront the Great Depression after the 1929 Stock Market Crash. If...
  4. Nightingale

    Can a 1930s-built city have a population of 5 million by the 21st century

    Good day. In my TL, "Onward March of Freedom", I had President Roosevelt in my TL's late-1937 expand the Resettlement Administration to build new Tennessee Valley Authority duplicates in other states... And most of all, build new cities in each state to facilitate recovery from the Great...
  5. Nightingale

    WI: FDR is not afraid to deficit spend early on

    Many say the had FDR not cut back on spending, the 1937 recession won't happen and there won't be any resurgence of the Conservative Coalition in 1938, even with the court-packing bonanza, and so, the New Deal Coalition would be even more dominant in such a scenario. Some even say that had that...
  6. How Would these 2 Term Presidents be Remembered if they Lost their Re Election Bids?

    How would the following Presidents: Woodrow Wilson Franklin D. Roosevelt (Pick either Re election) Dwight Eisenhower Richard Nixon Ronald Reagan Bill Clinton Barack Obama Be Remembered if they lost the respective Re election Bids? This thread is inspired by both my "George W. Bush loses the...