entente powers

  1. WI: Russia won the Russo-Japanese War and the First Balkan War turned into WWI?

    This is a map of a TL I'm currently invested in. It's about what if Russia won the Russo-Japanese War. In TTL, WW1 ends up starting over the creation of Albania during the First Balkan War. Red: Central Powers, Light Red: Likely to join the Central Powers, Lighter Red: Can possibly join the...
  2. World Mapping

    Would WW2 happen if the Central Powers won WW1?

    Would WW2 happen if the Central Powers won WW1?
  3. WI: Different alignment in the Great War

    Let’s say that Austria-Hungary was still highly resentful towards Prussia (Germany), so much so that they ally with the French. The German-Russian alliance continues without interruption through the early 20th century. By then, the Ottomans join Germany and Russia while Britain joins France and...