
  1. Paladín Wulfen

    Un Dios, Un Imperio, Un Rey | Alternate TL.
    Threadmarks: El Nacimiento del Imperio

    “Crean vuestras Altezas que es esta tierra la mejor y más fértil, y temperada, y buena que haya en el mundo” “Your Highnesses believe that this land is the best and most fertile, and temperate, and good that there is in the world..” —Cristóbal Colón. Battle of Navas of Tolosa Throughout...
  2. Fallen Eagle: an alternate History of the United States

    It was perhaps Good fortune that Abraham Lincoln had died the man was a fool To think that the southern states could be kept in check with negotiation And Hollow threats alone. No the only language these barbarians understand is violence indeed how can one subjugate his fellow man And expect...
  3. DBWI: What if capitalism won the cold war?

    The innevitable dialectics of history, and therefore the innevitable victory of socialism consists of two factors: 1. The developement of class consciousnes and 2. The developement of the productive forces, and the ever shorter growing cyclus of crisis. The farer the productive forces develope...