
  1. Roberto El Rey

    Wikiboxes for Other People's Timelines and Wikibox Request Thread
    Threadmarks: (Introduction) What Madness is This: Republican Union and Charles Oswald

    So I've looked and I don't think anyone has made a thread like this yet. If someone has, please point it out to me so I can delete this one. This is a thread for posting Wikipedia infoboxes that pertain to other people's (or your own) timelines. I have kind of a hobby of making wikiboxes when I...
  2. Roberto El Rey

    Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree: A Nineteen Eighty-Four Timeline

    Just about every alternate history aficionado, George Orwell fan, lover of literature, or high school freshman has read, or at least heard of, George Orwell's classic 1984. Orwell drops the reader into a dystopic London in the year 1984, when the world is occupied by three superstates who are...