classical greece

  1. TheDoofusUser

    Best PoD(s) for an Athenian/Corinthian/Spartan/Theban Democracy/Republic Turned Empire?

    Rome took a lot of influence and inspiration from the Ancient Greeks, though the Roman Republic was different in a lot of ways from the Greek Democracies they took inspiration from or admired. These differences allowed the Romans to reform and adapt depending on the situation, leading to the...
  2. WI: A united Korinthian-Argive City-State before Athens and Sparta became too hegemonic?

    Everyone knows that by the time of the Peloponnesian War, Athens and Sparta were the two most dominant powers in southern Greece. However, long before those two infamous city-states had reached the zenith of their powers, they each had a rival that could go toe to toe with them in what they were...
  3. SunKing105

    WI: Corinth as the premier Classical Greek power?

    When many people think of Classical Greece, they think of the two most well-known city-states, Athens and Sparta. And although for good reason, they were far from the only ones to gain a position of power, and it is very plausible that another one might have achieved the same position of power...
  4. sokkawaterrebel5

    centaurs Race

    What if centaurs from Greek mythology where real and they where immortal and there leader is Chiron and they are living in Greece
  5. WI: No/Less Severe Plague of Athens

    What if the Plague of Athens that struck the city-state during the second year of the Peloponnesian War had been less devastating, or hadn't happened at all? How might that affect the course of the war and other events?