brazil wank(?)

  1. Plausibility Check: Pre-Columbian Sao Francisco River hydraulic empire?

    The Sao Francisco is a long river that flows from the southeast to northeast region of Brazil, linking the southeastern mountains to the northeast coastal plain via the dry cerrado and even dryer caatinga environments. Historically, it was navigable for much of its length, making an important...
  2. Brazilian WI: the 1930 Revolution is a bloodier affair?

    While the 1930 Revolution absolutely deserves to be called such, due to the sheer scale of the change it unleashed, its name is also a bit deceptive in that it implies it was a bloodless event when it was anything but. Fierce battles were fought between the revolutionaries and supporters of the...
  3. Aluma

    Deus Salve a Rainha! - A Brazilian Britain TL
    Threadmarks: Brazil? In my British Empire? More likely than you'd think!

    The Imperial Federation The world's firstmost power and the leading nation in both social and technological progress as well as in economic prosperity This nation is, of course, made of made other great nations In a reality so defined by it's culture, a combination of their variety of...
  4. Kurd Gossemer

    l'Antarctique: A French Brazil TL
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: A French Admiral and some hard wood.

    The admiral himself, like any self respecting Frenchman, he had facial hair of sorts. The establishment of the nascent French colony that would be know one day as Brasíl or La Antartique for much of its colonial history starts humble like any nation does, an certain French admiral by the name...