
  1. AHQ: alternate new testament

    The codification of the New Testament was a process that took three centuries and during which the inclusion or exclusion of multiple books was debated and even today there is controversy about some of the books in it, so I would like to ask if you could choose the books that were accepted and...
  2. Oba Cahokia

    Would I or II Enoch be most likely accepted as Universal Canon in Bible?

    The Book of Enoch is the most infamous of all the books left out of the Bible with Ethiopia and Eritrea the only churches having it in their canon. But there are also churches in the Slavic world who had the affection of II Enoch and their is evidence of this version being written in Coptic. So...
  3. The Philistines attempt to exterminate all of the Jews

    Here are facts about the ancient Philistines: 1. The ancient Philistines can clearly conquer and exterminate all of the Jews. 2. The Philistines can clearly decisively crush all of the revolts of the Jews against them. 3. The weak Jews never subdued, defeated, or conquered the Philistines...
  4. How will a fiercely polygamous Christianity really have been for many Europeans?

    How will a fiercely polygamous Christianity really have been for many Europeans? So let's just say that there was some sect of Christianity before and after the Roman empire converted to Christianity and this sect was fiercely polygamous meaning the males practicing it typically take more than...
  5. Ari Bellerose

    A different Biblical canon.

    As a non-religious Christian, I find it awesome to speculate the possibilities of an alternate Church from the one we know today. Obviously, the formation of the canon of the Bible is a very important part of Church history, but what if the canon we know today was so very different (larger or...
  6. WI: a cure for scurvy was mentioned in the Bible

    The cure for scurvy was discovered, lost, and rediscovered many times throughout history--from Ancient Egypt in 1550 BC, to Phoenician traders, to Crusaders, to the Portuguese, to the British Empire (who actually forgot the cure to scurvy, during the golden age of the Royal Navy), to the final...
  7. How would the present day look like if the Divine Comedy was accepted as Biblical canon?

    Let's say that some time in the mid-to-late 14th century, the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri is accepted by the Church to be the last book of the New Testament after the Book of Revelation. Dante himself isn't considered a prophet, but he is considered to be divinely inspired to collect and...