alternate clothing

  1. GameBawesome

    Cultural Effects of No Qing Dynasty, and surviving Han-Ethnic Dynasty

    China is a very large and historical nation. Since ancient times, they've been a cultural trend setter, cultural influencing countries such as Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. When the Qing Dynasty rose to power, it saw a new era of Chinese Culture. The Manchu brought certain styles that were required...
  2. Goats-&-Bolts

    AHC: Get the (Caucasian) Burka be banned in the West

    Challenge: create a scenario where Western nation(s) put bans/limitations on the Caucasus Burka akin to the ones that exist OTL on the Islamic Burqa.
  3. Petike

    Cultural WI: ATL Hippie movements (and analogues) created elsewhere than the US

    What are some factors behind the kickstarting of hippie-like movements elsewhere than the US ? Under what particular circumstances could such movements be created in various parts of the world ? Given that I'm posting this in the After 1900 forum, the timeframe is 20th century, for simplicity's...
  4. Petike

    Zipper not invented or invented at a different time

    Sometimes, it's the little things in life that make or break history... What if the zipper was not invented around 1913-1915, as in OTL ? What if it was invented much later, or perhaps sooner than in OTL ? (Maybe Howe or Judson make more progress during the second half of the 19th century ?)...