
  1. Gnomepilled

    Hermeticism becomes the state religion of the Empire

    And let's for funnies say that Christianity merged with Hermeticism like what happened in our timeline. No ASB so no gnomes turning everything into gold There were plenty of religions competing at the time. -Mithraism -Christianity and Manicheaism (these were the two major ones) -Gnosticism...
  2. AHC: Make Alchemy evolve into a modern-day philosophy

    In OTL, Alchemy eventually evolved into Chemistry, discarding every philosophical, religious, and mystical interpretation by the 19th century. But what if, although in this other TL Alchemy also evolves into Chemistry, a parallel interpretation is born which examines how modern chemicals and...
  3. WI: An earlier discovery of nitrocellulose?

    So, cotton has been farmed in the middle east since at least Achaemenid times. The great physician Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi (lived between 854 and 925 AD) discovered nitric acid and sulphuric acid (though I don't know what methods he used to produce either). The combination of these...