1932 convention

  1. The Denouement in Chicago: An Alternate 1932 DNC
    Threadmarks: Prologue: November 7, 1928

    OTTINGER ELECTED GOVERNOR BY SLIM MARGIN Republicans Recapture Governor's Mansion by Estimated Margin of 50,000 Alfred P. Ottinger, Republican Attorney General of the State of New York, has defeated Democratic nominee Franklin D. Roosevelt for the Governorship. With returns from 7,718 out of...
  2. What if FDR had lost at the 1932 Democratic National Convention?

    I've been reading up on the 1932 DNC to research for a timeline I'm hoping to write at some point, and I was surprised by how close FDR's coalition came to fracturing during the voting. For instance, shortly before the third ballot, the Mississippi and Arkansas delegations seemed to be at risk...