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  1. Map Contest: Round 2

    Flight From Atlantis Ha! I'm the first:
  2. MAP CONTEST: General Discussion.

    A Rant if I may... Arghh! I don't know why, but it always gets me when people use fonts that use foreign letters to stand in for english words even when they don't correspond phonetically! For example one map has the Cyrillic symbol for "sh" as a "w" or the symbol for "d" as an "a". Sorry but...
  3. MAP CONTEST: Contest entry.

    Is it too late? Can I still enter? If so I will.
  4. AH Challenge: Viking Northwestern 'America'

    Accoring to this website that's what happened. OK, it's during the medieval warm period so the northwest passage is ice-free. The Vikings did not like traveling over open sea; they prefered to follow shoreline so they follow the artic islands. Right...
  5. A Map Thread

    After Domovinski Rat and sucess of Operacija Oluja, Croatia destroys her enemies and re-claims her rightful borders. Za Dom Spremni! =U=
  6. A Map Thread

    Yeah, a while back on the forum someone asked for a map where all the German-speakers were in one country. It's bases on a pre WWII map, after the war millions of germans were forced out of eastern Europe. Also, I did just use paint. It's pretty easy to get it looking good. Edit it at a much...
  7. A Map Thread

    Thanks for pointing it out. Here's a fixed map.
  8. A Map Thread

    Here's a map of most german speaking people in one federation:
  9. A Map Thread

    dammit, you can't just throw umlauts over every vowel! You're changing the pronunciation!
  10. A Map Thread

    Anyone have any idea where this might of come from? What caused this map?
  11. A Map Thread

    And here is the 2004 presidential election.
  12. A Map Thread

    I took the liberty of tidying it up as well as naming some of the states.
  13. A Map Thread

    A while back this map was posted:
  14. A Flag Thread

    An Alternate confederate Naval Jack
  15. A Flag Thread

    South African Confederacy!
  16. A Flag Thread

    Here's a map of 1950's Maryland if it had joind the confederacy, but still lost.
  17. Guess the POD

    1789- Constitutional convention meets to rework the Articles of Confederation. Instead of scrapping them like in OTL they create a stronger central government, but also make state sovereignty an explicit right. There is now a president, but he is subordinate to the congress, more like the prime...
  18. Guess the POD

    you got it.;) I'll post a more detailed timeline and map that better explains it.
  19. Guess the POD

    You're getting warmer.
  20. Guess the POD

    The above was not a PoD. It was just hints to try and help you guess the real PoD.