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  1. Will you ever continue the line of non-Nazi Germanwank timelines?

    Will you ever continue the line of non-Nazi Germanwank timelines?
  2. TL-191: After the End

    What are the small arms and fighting vehicles used by the IJA/IJN during the Fourth Pacific War?
  3. Man in High Castle believability

    It’s pretty tame compared to the Two Dooms, as far as Axiswank Victories go. I still like CalBear’s explanation for why he wrote MITHC the way it turned out to be
  4. How would a modern 21st century Nazi Germany look like?

    A series of Warlord States, each more deranged than the last, and more than a few nuclear-armed, and completely unstable
  5. I like Sukiyaki. You have good taste, Fenwick-san.

    I like Sukiyaki. You have good taste, Fenwick-san.
  6. Why thank you for the follow May I chance what was the reason behind it...?

    Why thank you for the follow May I chance what was the reason behind it...?
  7. Patton infamous quote

    The ghost of Patton tells me he said that out of the blue, so iunno
  8. The Iron Eagle III - Fallen Eagle

    Is that u rudi jaeger
  9. Are you interested in writing a Soukou Akki Muramasa fanfic? The market for it is untapped...

    Are you interested in writing a Soukou Akki Muramasa fanfic? The market for it is untapped...
  10. GURPS Cornwallis

    The unrealistic parts are the heart and soul of the product. You take them out, all that’s left is an empty shell.
  11. it’s a lovely day tomorrow by EBR

    My problem with tis TL is that it is too boring compared to the Naziwank TL I cooked up in 2019
  12. The Anglo/American - Nazi War - The on-going mystery

    Parade, followed by death
  13. Hitler's Gamble by Brendan Simms

    A terrible reaction on his part
  14. TL-191: After the End

    It’s David’s unique take on the TL191 franchise. I like it for it is. Also to note: the Fourth Pacific War segments were written when Adam was in America. That makes it the most American segment of this entire TL.
  15. Have Buck Rogers In The 25th Century be as successful as Star Trek

    For Buck Rogers to be successful they have to do the following: Be true to the source material (US rebels vs Han global empire) Dieselpunk as mad (look at Maschinen Krieger) Be made before 2030
  16. TL-191: After the End

    Are drones and railguns in common use in the militaries ITTL 2024? What kind of sci-fi technologies are being developed to fight threats from outer space?
  17. WI: The IRA assassinateQueen Elizabeth II?

    Off with the heads of the irish The Devil’s Own will become a massive Hollywood epic ITTL
  18. The Iron Eagle III - Fallen Eagle

    That sounds so otl bland
  19. Frivolous WI: Video games in a victorious Nazi Germany

    Wolf’s Stone Can’t go wrong with that
  20. How "should" WWII in 1940 have gone?

    It should have been an epic repeat of WW1 that repeats every 25 years