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  1. Gigachad3k

    WI: Second Arab Siege of Constantinople (717-718) succeeds

    Bosnia like rest of Balkans gets cold and snowy during winter.
  2. Gigachad3k

    WI: Second Arab Siege of Constantinople (717-718) succeeds

    Pig was also important food source among Bosnians before the Ottomans and among Indonesians before 13th century, then their food source changed after their conversion to Islam.
  3. Gigachad3k

    What if the H5N1 Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) was as widespread as coronavirus was?

    H5N1 mortality rate is 50% Spanish Flu Mortality rate was up 10% COVID-19 mortality was 1-3% You wonder why COVID-19 didn't reached Spanish Flu level? if H5N1 was widespread as Coronavirus disease 19, it will be catastrophic.
  4. Gigachad3k

    Side Effects of a Longer Lived Stalin with this scenario in mind

    Soviet Civil War would also mean second Russian civil war.
  5. Gigachad3k

    Geronimo : What if Osama Bin Laden was killed prior to 9/11?

    With Russia and China not opposing Kosovo's independence in this ATL and Serbian nationalists feeling betrayed, Serbian nationalism will soon die out and become dustbin of history or fringe element of society similar to Croatia in OTL, this would also mean more peaceful and stable Balkans.
  6. Gigachad3k

    Geronimo : What if Osama Bin Laden was killed prior to 9/11?

    As an Albanian from Kosovo myself, i highly doubt Russia and China will support Kosovo's independence regardless even if 9/11 never happens but happens in Russia instead, Putin strongly opposed Kosovo's independence in OTL and he will strongly oppose it even even if 9/11 never happens but...
  7. Gigachad3k

    Red Alert - Our 1953 USSR

    D) Nikita Khrushchev
  8. Gigachad3k

    The Death of Russia - TL

    Is Maslenitsa and Ivan Kupala (Slavic midsummer) public holiday again in Russia?
  9. Gigachad3k

    The Death of Russia - TL

    i know for 10 April is both public holiday and day of mourning and 8th May is Victory Day.
  10. Gigachad3k

    The Death of Russia - TL

    Can you list all of the Public Holidays in Russia, Siberia and FEK in this ATL?
  11. Gigachad3k

    Bush vs. The Axis of Evil - TL

    Because all three of them are East Slavic and Russia would use this to unite all east slavic people into one nation.
  12. Gigachad3k

    Bush vs. The Axis of Evil - TL

    Russia, Belarus and Ukraine uniting into single nation will be called Vostokoslavia.
  13. Gigachad3k

    Could Wilhelm II have dismissed Hitler?

    He would have Hitler dismissed and he sees him too radical to rule Germany or he would have Hitler arrested and imprison him for life after the failed Beer Hall Putsch which would prevent his rise to power and WW2 probably would have happened differently in ATL (most likely by the Soviet...
  14. Gigachad3k

    Miscellaneous <1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    How would the population of Sweden be like today, if wasn't for the devastating black death?
  15. Gigachad3k

    Geronimo : What if Osama Bin Laden was killed prior to 9/11?

    Recession same as Obama and Ukraine he would send arms to Ukraine and oppose the Minsk agreement unlike Obama in OTL.
  16. Gigachad3k

    Miscellaneous <1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    What is the possible maximum population of Sweden could support? how high do you think the it could have been, if wasn't for the devastating black death?
  17. Gigachad3k

    Geronimo : What if Osama Bin Laden was killed prior to 9/11?

    Presidential politics will go like this, if the Edward's affair happened just like OTL 2005 - 2009: John Edwards / John Kerry (Democratic) 2004 def. George W. Bush / Dick Cheney (Republican) 2009 - 2017: John McCain / Tim Pawlenty (Republican) 2008 def. John Edwards / John Kerry (Democratic)...
  18. Gigachad3k

    Images of The Death of Russia

    Adidas is an Athletic brand and they don't sell Jeans.