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  1. Albidoom

    Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    Well, someone tried to recreate the Napoleonic Empire using only modern borders. It happens more often that one would hope. Webfind from Reddit very much related: As a special oddity the text fragments on the left are obviously English but the map pretends to be in German.
  2. Albidoom

    Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    I was more concerned about the swastikas in Sweden and Switzerland, but I guess that's perhaps due to both countries beginning with "sw", just like swastika...
  3. Albidoom

    Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    Admittedly that globe was more decorative and not much for educational purposes. So let's have some "Historia" (give the shape of that "H" must be some history channel thingie or such)
  4. Albidoom

    Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    "How bad can a map be when it actually shows New Zealand?" Since You asked I took a dive into my external drive and there is this globe where New Zealand is indeed labeled (in the pic on the right):
  5. Albidoom

    What if Tsar Nicholas II and his family successfully escaped Russia to the UK?

    If they are snarky then maybe send him to St. Helena? Better safety against communist assassins (so remote that strangers would get noticed immediately) and after all it has a history of housing emperors who lost their empire.
  6. Albidoom

    Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    Did you have your weekly dose of sloppy borders yet? If not, then here we go:
  7. Albidoom

    Effects of Atlantropa and North Sea Dam.

    Mind you, there was also an England-Denmark dam proposal, which would at least avoid the Norwegian trench. And I knew there was an image in the Proposals and War aims thread:
  8. Albidoom

    Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    Probably because in ancient Greese the main god was Zeus, famous for his lightning bolts, so i guess it's... Greese Lightning (as performed by Swedish marines in Afghanistan)
  9. Albidoom

    Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    He, given that map it might even be thought as Cyprus: decent sized island off the coast of an old declining empire, it would check nearly all boxes (except for the most impotant one, but that's just details) A mapsochist. On a lighter note, have an advertisement:
  10. Albidoom

    Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    What makes that map especially horrible is the fact that it keeps getting used: (the lack of an Eastern Med and the stretchy Kamchatka make identifying it very easy) Well, I guess it gets used because there is no copyright on it (if it were then the world would know who is responsible for that...
  11. Albidoom

    Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    And now for a somewhat "tragic" map. The tragedy in this is that each separate part is obviously made with very high accuracy (okay, they forgot Kaliningrad but as far as bad maps go that is barely worth mentioning) but then you notice that most of the parts don't quite add up. Russia/Asia...
  12. Albidoom

    Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    No need to properly align the map stickers I guess...
  13. Albidoom

    Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    We had a few globes trying to depict the Mercator projection but those probably weren't meant to be educational. As for maps that actually try to teach something those two showing the Roman and Byzantine Empires were pretty bad. (Not only do they have modern borders all over, they even fail at...
  14. Albidoom

    Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    What islands? Islands are a myth. There are only two supercontinents, the rest is all peninsulas.
  15. Albidoom

    Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    Depicting India correctly is not without difficulties:
  16. Albidoom

    Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    A decent number of bad maps tends to 'submerge' the Kaliningrad enclave, but not this map. You can even make out the Curonian Spit and the Sambia Peninsula, which are proof that this map does show Kaliningrad.
  17. Albidoom

    Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    Why draw everything when you could simplify instead? (found at reddit)
  18. Albidoom

    Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    While there is a Tripoli in Lebanon I guess it is no wonder that they didn't find Gaddafi there...
  19. Albidoom

    Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    Admittedly the stat borders are rather accurate. However, that makes the misplacement of the river all the worse. Anyways, onward to the next map: