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  1. zalezsky

    Map Thread XXII

    Computer Enhance: ENHANCE: It's ice :(
  2. zalezsky

    Graphic Thread

    Thank you, I don't think I ended up finishing this and I don't have the same computer from 2016 unfortunately don't have the original file left. I can try something similar perhaps as an addition to a map soon
  3. zalezsky

    Map Thread XXII

    Cross-Posting from MOTF: Demokratia The Spread of Demoxratl in the Lands of the Maya Following the coup of the aristocracy in Yaxchilan, a new form of government was established that would be...
  4. zalezsky

    Map of the Fortnight 285: Demokratia

    The Spread of Demoxratl in the lands of the Maya Following the coup of the aristocracy in Yaxchilan, a new form of government was established that would be revolutionary to the region and the world. What we now know as "Demokratia" was originally known as Demoxratl or "Rule of the Many". This...
  5. zalezsky

    Map Thread XXII

    Cross posting as well from Telephone Map Game 13th Edition The map i received was a religious map of Eurasia and parts of North Africa. I saw that the region of the Eastern Roman Empire was protestant and so drew a map based off of the spread of protestantism in the Romantine Empire. The...
  6. zalezsky

    Telephone Map Game: 13th Edition

    These turned out fantastic!! Super proud of all of the maps in this telephone game!
  7. zalezsky

    (As-of-yet-unnamed) Gothic Empire TL

    Cool series so far
  8. zalezsky

    Map Thread XXII

    Beautiful, very inspiring piece of art. Makes me want to create something similar. Love the style and execution. Very well made!
  9. zalezsky

    Telephone Map Game: 13th Edition

    Map completed, sent to cour
  10. zalezsky

    Telephone Map Game: 13th Edition

    I can switch with you if you'd like. I don't mind
  11. zalezsky

    Telephone Map Game: 13th Edition

    Lol i think he does it randomly
  12. zalezsky

    Telephone Map Game: 12th Edition

    This sounds great!
  13. zalezsky

    Telephone Map Game: 12th Edition

    We can do an attempt at regional historical world building. For instance each player gets a date timeframe. Wider date ranges early on, becoming more conical by the end for instance: All done within say the middle east sub region or south american highlands. (2 examples, could be anywhere apart...
  14. zalezsky

    Map Thread XXI

    Lol yes i noticed that only now Oops
  15. zalezsky

    Map Thread XXI

    Created for Telephone Map Game 12th Edition See here:
  16. zalezsky

    Map Thread XXI

    Slava Britannia The isles of Britannia, (Brtinnija - Pan-Insular Slavic) succumbed to a set of migration events colloquially known as the Germano-Slavic Invasions. These migrations began with the original push of nomadic turkic-speaking peoples into Eastern Europe beginning in the 5th...
  17. zalezsky

    Map Thread XXI

    I was going for Luž as in "Puddle/Swamps/Water-Hole" hence Netherlands with it's swamps and all. "Lessia, Leszia," is what I was going for with "Woodlands" and of course "Zalessia" (past the woodland) I suppose yes Donai would be Rus' The Germanic and West Latinic Kingdoms of Festungia and...
  18. zalezsky

    Map Thread XXI

    THE RÜCONQUEBERUNG Though the beginning of the Rüconqueberung is traditionally dated to about 822, when the Katolik Romantine and Germanic Kingdoms opposed the Slavs at the Battle of Issoudun, the impulse toward reconquest was expressed only sporadically through the first two centuries of...
  19. zalezsky

    Map Thread XXI

    I have heard some interesting pronounciations of my name before. It is read as "za-léz-skee"