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  1. Were there any real war-winning weapons in WWII?

    I know but I can just imagine an anime-version, firing at Sevastopol while thinking "but... I wanted the Maginot forts..."
  2. Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 4

    Engineering vehicles? Artillery trackors that also carry the crew inside?
  3. Were there any real war-winning weapons in WWII?

    Never underestimate your enemy. Even in 1945 the now-humbled Zero, in the hands of a (few...) experts, could nail you if you made that mistake.
  4. Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 4

    Apparently it increases the eficiency of the effect.
  5. Alternate warships of nations

    Great looking ships. Just one point: the Washington Naval Treaty was signed only by major powers in WWI. Neutrals did not/need not follow it because, simply put, they were not a threat nor could they really trigger a new naval arms race. So, if you want Arendelle can keep the ships a little...
  6. Were there any real war-winning weapons in WWII?

    Definetly on the integrated network, without it the RAF would not have been able to maximize it's small fighter force. As for the Liberty, I'd say "mass construction of large numbers of cheap/easy to make ships", but yes.
  7. Were there any real war-winning weapons in WWII?

    If I remember correctly, this thing and it's sibblings were started when the germans thought, in the early 30s, they'd have to brute-force smash the new Maginot Line and it's massive forts. Then, late in the 30s, someone had the bright idea of going around the Line and ruined the fun...
  8. Were there any real war-winning weapons in WWII?

    Germany started to work on a replacement as early as 1940. The Me209 (the 2nd model), Me309, Me509... all failed and then (too late) they put their hopes on the 262. The 109 was kept and upgraded because they had nothing better and, untill the D model came, the 190 was not very good at high...
  9. Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 4

    The british army was a big fan of the HESH round, and that requires a rifled gun. So, I'd say they'd go for a rifled model.
  10. Were there any real war-winning weapons in WWII?

    True but, if you have all that spare industry, you can get around the bad gear but building up good one. If you don't, you're stuck. Which is why the UK could get Shermans by the hundreds. Meanwhile the germans couldn't build even enough Panzer IV to fill their needs, let alone a replacement. Or...
  11. Were there any real war-winning weapons in WWII?

    Which brings us back to "massive industrial capacity".
  12. French government stays in Paris WW2

    If nothing changes OTL, then the germans just capture whatever is left of the government. Simple fact is that Kiev in 2022 was defending itself against an enemy that showed a stunning amount of incompetence. France in 1940 was not so lucky.
  13. Were there any real war-winning weapons in WWII?

    You don't need to kill humans. If all the animals die, the humans will start dying of starvation... But leaving the "horror show" territory... production. Massively outproducing Germany in all things is what won the war. (edit: that and the English Channel keeping the UK in the war...)
  14. Alternate Aircraft of Nations

    Very much so. But they were only good for daylight/fair weather missions and could only (mostly) do straffin/dumb bomb/rocket runs. One or 2 dives, bangbang, run away empty hopping you hit something. Modern eletronics changed the game completely. These days, something like the Tucano can go out...
  15. Alternate Aircraft of Nations

    Well... not really... you need a minimally decent plane with some range/endurance, otherwise you'll have to park on the front line, and that's pretty much a minimum low payload (1.5 tons roughly). And much of the cost is in the eletronics, which you can't avoid, if you want to fly and fight at...
  16. Alternate Aircraft of Nations

    They allready have. Check out the Embraer Super Tucano; started life as a single prop light trainer but has now been turned into a light counter insurgency aircraft, loaded with night vision gear and guided munitions. It's the current champion of the class but there are others coming. Meanwhile...
  17. Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 4

    Italian tankers would have loved facing this...
  18. Alternate Aircraft of Nations

    And then the USN transfers some of it's Martin P6M Seamasters
  19. Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 4

    The problem with wheeled tanks is armour, not the gun; I've seen models with 120mm guns. But the armour is always light, max I've seen is "vs 20-30mm" plus IED protection. If you want heavy armour then the weight starts to creep into the 40tons +... and then you need tracks (or anti-grav...).
  20. Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 4

    A license-built Pz38, adapted for a better 37 or even a 47, would be well in range of italian industry of 39-40.