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  1. Were there any real war-winning weapons in WWII?

    Umm, i don't recall saying F them in my post., can you please fix that so it does not look like i said that?
  2. Were there any real war-winning weapons in WWII?

    The speed that Liberty ships were being built was in effect its own weapon. And was surly PART of winning the war. But there is no war winning weapon in and of itself. And i dont think there ever has been. Perhaps in WW3 we will get a war “winning“ weapon (or more likely a war losing) in the...
  3. French government stays in Paris WW2

    Staying in Paris has no real effect other then the destruction of the city. Staying as a government somewhere in France and fighting on has a large difference. 1) it changes how France is seen by everyone. 2) they may out up enough of a fight ant take enough German troops (mostly to occupy)...
  4. Gorbachev and Reagan agree to co-develop “Star Wars” in 1986?

    In theory you can intercept and shoot down ICBMs by various means, Everyone loves to focus on the “laser“ part and i assume this is where the Star Wars nickname came from. But we have been shooting things out of the ski for almost as long as things in the sky were dangerour to us and before...
  5. Prevent NATO Expansion, and Keep Eastern Europe Tied to Russia

    It is not that things cant change it is just that many things are the result of multiple convergent causes. And often it takes a lot of long drawn out changes to change the outcome. This topic for example can sinply be changed by saying “NATO doesnt expand” You have to make enough changes so it...
  6. Prevent NATO Expansion, and Keep Eastern Europe Tied to Russia

    Um if you look at a map the US and Russia already boarder each other so while I can see why a Russia May not like a further expansion of NATO the reality is that the two spheres have always touched in Europe and the two countries have and still do directly touch outside Europe. But frankly this...
  7. Prevent NATO Expansion, and Keep Eastern Europe Tied to Russia

    The former countries are going to be scared of post USSR Russia . You cant avoid that. You can minimize it be somehow making this new post USSR Russia all lightness and fairy dust and all things good but I leave that to you to figure out how to do as no one else has any idea how to turn Russia...
  8. WI: Hitler forces Jews out on boats?

    Actually I could almost see the Insane Mustache Man sending over a thousand or so a week. As a form of A) entertainment for him and his sick friends abd B) as a way to annoy and in convince GB and C) as a way to try and infiltrate spys/agents into GB. With troops standing on shore with machine...
  9. WI: Yamamoto killed during Battle of Tsushima?

    It may change P.H. Attack itself but the war still starts on time. The war was not predicated on the Peril Harbor attack. And even that attack is not necessarily butterflied as even the US had War Games an attack on PH and we have other examples of air raids on fleets in harbor. As much as...
  10. What if 9/11 happened 20 years earlier?

    The twin towers is not a good target for an internal terrorist. It is not an obvious symbol of the country nor a government building. The Pentegon is but good luck getting a huge bomb to it. Outside terrorists want to hurt any American so the largest building in NYC is prominent enough to...
  11. What if 9/11 happened 20 years earlier?

    This is a great example of what happens when you don’t have a true POD. You cant really elaborate on what will happen if you don’t know what changed. I agree with CalBear that there were two obvious suspects. The USSR and Iran. And that the USSR would not bother with this kind of thing. But...
  12. WI: Hitler forces Jews out on boats?

    Looking at the various boat refugees such as from Cuba, i think you may be amazed at what even poor mallnurished people can and will do if pushe comes to shove. So walking a huge population to the shore and telling them to build or take small boats or rafts and leave and anyone left on the...
  13. WI: Prince Harry marries a non-European princess

    The problem was not her race. It was her personality. And according to most people that have met her over the years she has a tendency to use everyone for anything she can get . And she did not do much to change that reputation. Nor to blend into the family nor to join the family “buisness”...
  14. France warned about Operation Catapult

    So let me get this straight. France not being able to defend itself and thus giving up to Germany, resulting in its alie GB having to flee the contient, then theNewly “Pro Germany” French government refuses yo send its navy to either Help GB or at oeast place it out of reach of Germany...
  15. How can WWI end with a negotiated peace?

    You have to get the politicians of all sides to stop dreaming of total victory and actually be willing yo negotiate which no one was. France and GB for example had “demands” they intended to force on Germany from day 1 and they were not going yo give this up. It was this unflinching mentality...
  16. Liberty's Bell

    Actually nationalizing the railroads was not really durring WW1. they took control of them via the USRA but it was later that they considered just nationalizing them. Also note that the USRA was a complete disaster at running said railroads and that the USRA was not ebeded when the war ended...
  17. Prevent NATO Expansion, and Keep Eastern Europe Tied to Russia

    You cant really be surprised that that countries that were under the control of the USSR or were part of the USSR were concerned that the USSR or “Russia” would rebound and attampt to exert control/influence again. And as a result they woukd want to form or joun some sort of military defence...
  18. Liberty's Bell

    They came close to this with the railroads around the time of WW1
  19. Prevent NATO Expansion, and Keep Eastern Europe Tied to Russia

    The bias of some on this topic for Russia and against the US is making this thread pretty much another endless ”no I didn’t “. “Yes you did”. Sadly this is becoming a common trend
  20. Prevent NATO Expansion, and Keep Eastern Europe Tied to Russia

    Can we get an explanation of what you mean by. “Which NATO will because it wants to expand and confront Russia”. Espec the part I put in bold? Because I am not sure I understand your meaning. And the obvious meaning seams to be that NATO WANTS a war with Russia which I hope is not what you...