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  1. Plus-Sized Scribe

    "Phil won't leave his room" - A Doctor Who Production History

    Hopefully my write-ups about the first season of U.N.I.T.: The New Team (or whatever we end up calling it) arrive before then. :P
  2. Plus-Sized Scribe

    WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

    Apologies for the double post, but this hurts. I really liked Ogawa, and Patti Yasutake played her so well.
  3. Plus-Sized Scribe

    WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

    Ray and Ace – at an early point in development named "Alf" – were the only ones considered. But I think one of the Kangs from Paradise Towers would be interesting. TARDIS travel would be quite the culture shock for them, arguably moreso than Ray or Ace.
  4. Plus-Sized Scribe

    Explain the AH Quote

    So, I get this was silly and not the highest-effort reply, but I must say that getting passed over is insulting.
  5. Plus-Sized Scribe

    Explain the AH Quote

    Egyptian leader Bobicus Smithian in the year 26184 after millennia of occupation by various factions claiming to be the "second coming" of former Earth powers. Mx. Smithian's legendary independence speech ended with the above paragraph, to rapturous applause from the assembled human, dolphin...
  6. Plus-Sized Scribe

    "Where Are We Going This Time": The Golden Age of Science Fiction

    My only thought is we need to add replies to this.
  7. Plus-Sized Scribe

    Lands of Bronze and Fire - An American Domestication Timeline, Take Two

    It's almost certainly onomatopoeic. Knowing the many and varied noises camelids make, a sort of "oorrr-nnnggg" sound is well within the realm of possibility.
  8. Plus-Sized Scribe

    "Where Are We Going This Time": The Golden Age of Science Fiction

    We're still alive over here - just dealing with wisdom teeth, work, and illness! Another little snippet to whet people's appetites. We have plans to go back and revamp the earlier parts of the timeline.
  9. Plus-Sized Scribe

    "Where Are We Going This Time": The Golden Age of Science Fiction

    Unfortunately, Richard Franklin passed away yesterday. We wish him an easy journey to the undiscovered country. Rest well.
  10. Plus-Sized Scribe

    "Where Are We Going This Time": The Golden Age of Science Fiction

    Season 32 continues apace, with the outside author story synopses turned in and pending full editing. I've gotten a new job working midnights which has hampered my writing a lot, but since I hurt my knee a few nights ago and have some PTO, I'll be making up for lost time. I'll give a little...
  11. Plus-Sized Scribe

    "Where Are We Going This Time": The Golden Age of Science Fiction

    Some more appetite-whetting notes to keep us afloat: I'm trying to plug away at the 1998 Specials, and the Juneteenth one has gotten away with itself. Typical! :p I can also confirm the Ninth Doctor will receive a new companion in them. Lamar X is "played" by Dante Bezé. Most of you won't...
  12. Plus-Sized Scribe

    "Where Are We Going This Time": The Golden Age of Science Fiction

    So, as both Edythe and I have been wiped (lots of plays for her, and a litany of social engagements for me), we've not had time to do much. However, we did largely plan out Season 42 of Doctor Who (coming in ten years, in-universe) since that's going to be tricky and having things in place early...
  13. Plus-Sized Scribe

    "Where Are We Going This Time": The Golden Age of Science Fiction

    As a little addition, here is the stream-of-consciousness dialogue I sent to @Timelordtoe waaay back on August 8th, 2020 that directly led to Comfort Levels. The nature of the relationship changed, but this was the basis of the Kelodan ship back when we had Heath Ledger in mind for Norvo...
  14. Plus-Sized Scribe

    "Where Are We Going This Time": The Golden Age of Science Fiction

    Right there with ya, sister. It helps that we now have a firm 100k character limit, courtesy of the forum!!
  15. Plus-Sized Scribe

    "Where Are We Going This Time": The Golden Age of Science Fiction

    Oh, thank God that's done. :'( Any further errors can wait!
  16. Plus-Sized Scribe

    "Where Are We Going This Time": The Golden Age of Science Fiction

    Update: We wrote so much that it will need to be posted in three parts.
  17. Plus-Sized Scribe

    "Where Are We Going This Time": The Golden Age of Science Fiction

    Adding guest stars and such added a full two more pages! We're genuinely unsure if this will all fit into a single post!
  18. Plus-Sized Scribe

    "Where Are We Going This Time": The Golden Age of Science Fiction

    It's done. Just have to proofread all 69 pages for errors and fill in the recurring cast, guest stars, notes, etc. We're hoping for a release this Sunday!
  19. Plus-Sized Scribe

    "Where Are We Going This Time": The Golden Age of Science Fiction

    Just finishing up the second half of the finale! This is when everything changes.
  20. Plus-Sized Scribe

    WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

    My intent was for the device in question to have been snuck aboard by Thelarim's saboteur and put on the warp core when Barclay was otherwise occupied. And yeah, the energy buildup would indeed turn out to be that, though I didn't plan out how the crew would get around it.