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  1. Californie- French California

    So far distance (and relative unimportance) is saving them, but Utah is building values quite at odds with most French governments.
  2. Californie- French California
    Threadmarks: Post #31- The Proper Order of Things

    Post #31- The Proper Order of Things Bureaucracy is the epoxy that greases the wheels of progress. James H. Boren The administrative history of Californie after the 1853 announcement of Paris's intention to make the colony a formal département of France consisted of two opposing forces. The...
  3. So how would a timeline with the following events play out?

    Where did the magical nuclear missiles come from?
  4. How long will it take for the United States to abolish slavery in the event of Northern secession?

    The North was the bigger part, they don't secede. Maybe in some weirdo TL they kick the South out but I can't even really picture that. I could though see maybe a velvet divorce type of deal, where a slave holding South similar to OTL CSA manages to get off without a war?
  5. Californie- French California

    Forced labor is, sadly, fairly common throughout the colony. Mostly Native Americans coerced into work for smaller mines (the bigger mines simply need more labor) and for isolated farmsteads. Also many of the Mexicans coming north get a very raw deal since they have a very difficult time buying...
  6. Impact of the American Civil War on an expanded American Southwest?

    Might a vastly different Mexican-American war change the OTL Civil War? it might not be nearly so large, so long or so evenly divided? Lots of random chances in the early secession period.
  7. Does Robert E. Lee get too much credit as a great general?

    Robert E Lee was so anti-slavery, the Army of Northeren Virginia rounded up free Blacks in Pennsylvania and enslaved them.
  8. Sam Rayburn becomes president of the US in 1945 ... then he meets the Pope

    Even setting everything else aside, the Papacy simply does not have the administrative, military, political or financial framework to take over an occupation zone of Germany. Not with a POD in 1945.
  9. Does Robert E. Lee get too much credit as a great general?

    I mean it seems pretty obvious that patiently just waiting around for the South to get rid of slavery wasn't working.
  10. Does Robert E. Lee get too much credit as a great general?

    He was, of course, incorrect.
  11. Californie- French California

    You can actually run that route without going jnto Mexico. The OTL railway considered but in the end, deciding to dip into Mexico. Obviously the French chose otherwise.
  12. Californie- French California
    Threadmarks: Post #31 - Bête Rouge

    Post #31 - Bête Rouge A slave owner is not a man but a master. By denying the humanity of his slaves he also abrogates his own humanity. Mikhail Bakunin, "Man, Society, and Freedom" (1871) A new railway company, the Chemin de fer du Sud-Ouest ( quickly nicknamed the CF du Sud-Ouest) was...
  13. Californie- French California

    You will note I avoided the usual but (in my opinion) anachronistic name of Ezo Republic.
  14. Effects of Atlantropa and North Sea Dam.

    Honestly, turning all of the Med into a salt flat might be one the very few things worse then that.
  15. Californie- French California

    I tried to bring that across here, that it generally failed to navigate the waters of the new modern world.
  16. Effects of Atlantropa and North Sea Dam.

    From that link 'The eastern section of the North Sea Dam would offer the greatest engineering challenge of the whole NEED project, stipulated to a length of 331 km through open water and with the sea floor depths exceeding 300 m in the Norwegian trench.' Yeah, I bet it would! I mean I can draw...
  17. Effects of Atlantropa and North Sea Dam.

    North Sea Dam? How the heck do you dam the North Sea? What, are you going to run breastworks from Norway to the Shetlands? That's like 200 miles.
  18. Californie- French California

    Also, if anyone has update topics or ideas that you want to see, feel free to suggest them.
  19. France warned about Operation Catapult

    More lives are lost on both sides since the French have time to get ready?