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  1. The Gates of Heaven Will Never be Closed: The World of the 1538 Sanhedrin

    Let's bring thousands of armed men of dubious loyalty into a deeply unstable imperial core. Yeah, the Tsar is pretty desperate.
  2. TL: UK Overseas Regions [Redux]

    Is that everything from Birmingham to Carlisle west of the Pennines in one region? Yikes.
  3. The Gates of Heaven Will Never be Closed: The World of the 1538 Sanhedrin

    This is a deeply fascinating thread, thanks Jonathan, especially for the links between widely separated parts of the world. I'll be following it from now on and look forward to the next installment.
  4. Can the Avro Arrow be saved?

    Implausible - what pilot wants to live in the boonies when they could be flying a plane from a base near a city with attractive young women who might be impressed by a pilot?
  5. Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid: A More Radical American Civil War

    No guarantees, but have you tried posting the thread on their forum?
  6. British Army 'sanity options 2.0', 1935-43

    Sod the technology - there are things you can do, but they aren't what matters. Decide what capabilities the forces need. Build enough kit for realistic exercises. Use the combination of capabilities and outcomes from the exercises to build doctrine. Train the trainers. The one campaign the UK...
  7. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    As true as all of this is, the UK is from it's own internal perspective hard-pressed and skint. This isn't Shipshape, they don't know how much worse it could have been; and both the US and the UK know the US will have bigger forces in due time, even if they're not there yet.
  8. Munich Shuffle: 1938-1942

    On the one hand Labour only won the 45 election, not the one after. On the other hand, in that single parliament they did a lot.
  9. A Blunted Sickle - Thread II

    There have been substantial routine imports of food to the UK since the late 1600s at least - eggs and pork products initially I think - so we're on several centuries on the trot of it being most profitable to import food whether or not it's necessary.
  10. Pride Goes Before a Fall: A Revolutionary Greece Timeline

    Hard to split Congo up too much - it's based around "this river mouth and the areas which feed it" - look at how small Congo's coastline is.
  11. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    The OTL Japanese assault was on such a shoe string, I'd be surprised if they succeeded the same way TTL - but there may well be a scramble to reinforce for Round 2, rather than a British victory that actually throws them out of Malaya entirely.
  12. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    British strategy was to fight using money and industry rather than men, wherever possible. Supplying the Soviets with weapons to kill Nazis with weakens the primary enemy of the UK without also killing British soldiers in the process. Debating numbers and priorities is valid, but the basic...
  13. question - size of an army (late 30s/early 40s)

    France was fairly mobilised, but had ~120 divisions from a metropolitan population of 41 million. I don't know off hand how many of those divisions were colonial.
  14. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    In peace time, maybe, except it happens anyway. In wartime when every development program is being rushed?
  15. Munich Shuffle: 1938-1942

    Oh, I was assuming "once a fresh offensive is on the cards". Hard to imagine another few hundred miles on the bounce when they've already gone well beyond the plan, this is the British Army not the IJA!
  16. Munich Shuffle: 1938-1942

    My Libyan geography isn't fantastic - but isn't Sirte within say, one big push of Tripoli?
  17. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    Yeah, I think it's entirely understandable that de Gaulle gets a bad rap and also hard to see what else he could have done given the situation he was in.
  18. Munich Shuffle: 1938-1942

    The US and UK OTL both used their influence over food supplies and North Atlantic convoys (U-boats don't know which ships are aiming for Spain!) as the stick, and high prices for Spanish exports (especially rare ores, I think tungsten?) as the carrot to keep Spain neutral.
  19. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    I don't think it's fair to say the Empire didn't rate Japan as a threat - there were attempts to reinforce threatened areas. It was just that the air-naval war zone of the Atlantic and Britain, and the all arms war zone of North Africa, took priority over the potential warzone of South East...
  20. Gunpowder Plot destroys Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey

    The kidnapping of Elizabeth failed without any word yet having come from London of the gunpowder plot - seems unlikely that she'll be taken, so I think Cymraeg is right that we're on for Queen Elizabeth II.