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  1. New World Order: The Anglo-American Post-War

    Don't worry, I wasn't calling you an idealistic liberal. I was just comparing the Atomic Four's plans in Calbear's TL (keep everyone in line with space nukes) to Roosevelt's plan in OTL (international institutions, peace, cooperation, blah blah blah). Plenty of bad stuff still happened in OTL...
  2. WI: Iraq Was Merged With India?

    It falls apart as soon as the British Empire does, and a lingering Hindu minority survives in Iraq for a while (at least until Saddam, ISIS, or their ATL equivalent comes along).
  3. Anglo-American War in 1895

    To put it bluntly, the US would get absolutely btfo by the UK in 1895. The US Navy couldn't hope to match the Royal Navy, and the British could harass American shipping until the US sued for peace. It's unlikely that the US would make any territorial concessions in its home territory, but Hawaii...
  4. New World Order: The Anglo-American Post-War

    Here you go. The pdf will download automatically, and the postwar section begins on page 140. I wish Calbear had fleshed it out a bit more, the story of a postwar order designed by traumatized realists instead of idealistic liberals is really interesting.
  5. AHC: Make "The Cosmic Race" a Popular Idea in the Americas

    ...mestizo and mulato pride. The challenge is to have this idea, or something like it, spread across the Americas, and maybe even lead to a sort of "American* Supremacist" movement. Bonus points if you get it to spread to the white countries like Argentina and the US. *In the continental sense
  6. AHC/WI: Proportional Representation in US Congress

    We used to not have congressional districts, representatives were elected by the entire state until the 1830s or 40s. It was changed once, why couldn't it be changed again?
  7. Have "Allahu Akbar" be considered positively in the West

    Western Europe is tougher, but if you can make America so anti-Catholic that we start teaching the Crusades from a Muslim perspective, you could see "Allahu Akbar" become a rallying cry for liberty and freedom in the face of brutal Catholic oppression. Not exactly peace/tolerance/fraternity, but...
  8. Messi capped for Spain

    Spain wins 2008 Euro, the 2010 WC, 2012 Euro, and the 2014 WC. They would be absolutely unstoppable, it would basically be Barcelona+Ramos, Silva, Casillas against the world. Definitely the favorites for 2016 Euro and 2018 WC too, since Spain is still producing a lot of talented young players to...
  9. WI: Soviet Union Learns of Operation Barbarossa A Month in Advanced

    Do they have concrete evidence, or just rumors?
  10. President Hamilton

    Alexander Hamilton becoming president is unlikely. Alexander Hamilton becoming President and then staying president for 30 years is completely ASB. He was nowhere near popular enough to get that kind of support, not even from his own party or even his home state. At most, you'd have two terms of...
  11. What if the Pope crowned Byzantine Emperor Manuel I as Holy Roman Emperor?

    It's not ASB. Not too likely, but it's far from ASB. The Pope seriously considered it, and Manuel was apparently considering it too, but the Pope lost his nerve in the end. I doubt Manuel would be able to rule beyond the Alps, but I wonder if he'd be able to retake parts of Italy.
  12. What if the Pope crowned Byzantine Emperor Manuel I as Holy Roman Emperor?

    What would be the effects of Rome once again (at least de jure and/or symbolically) having dominion over the West?
  13. WI: Cold War seen as a battle between civilizations and not ideologies?

    You'd need to move the Iron Curtain further East, or make Russia less Western. Russia itself is too culturally similar to the West for us to see it as part of a different civilization, especially when it had so much of what was seen as the "civilized world" on its side during the Cold War.
  14. The Anglo/American - Nazi War

    Does anybody have a link to the amazon page for the book? This is by far the most entertaining thing I've ever read on this site, I'd love to be able to read it without needing to look at a screen.
  15. WI : Surviving British Empire

    The best chance for a surviving British Empire is to avert the American Revolution. The butterfly effect from this would be massive (probably no French Revolution, for starters), but it seems reasonable to assume that the British Empire would be in a much better position going into the...
  16. What if the British sold Canada to the U.S. in ww1?

    I think that's his point. The idea of the UK selling Canada in 1914 to get the US involved in the war is as silly as the US selling a couple of its sparsely populated states to get the UK's help in one of our wars.
  17. What if the British sold Canada to the U.S. in ww1?

    There was no chance of this ever happening. By the start of the 20th century, nobody in the US would be interested, the British would never sell it, and the Canadians would be vehemently opposed to it.
  18. AHC: Iberia-wank in America

    The Spanish and Portuguese held practically all of the inhabitable parts for centuries. How much more wanking could they take?
  19. Which Allied power did Nazi Germany have a better chance against solo?

    It seems like Calbear settled the question of "Western Allies vs Nazi Germany" pretty decisively in his TL.