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  1. Request Maps/Flags/Coats of Arms/Heraldry here, II

    Does anybody have or would be willing to make an image showing the drainage divides of North America in an equirectangular projection so that it's compatible with the 8K-BAM? Something like this: But equirectangular. If it's more detailed/accurate as well that's even better. Thanks!
  2. The XK-BAM map series

    Has anybody made a map of watersheds or continental divides for this yet? At least for North America. I can't seem to find any other equirectangular maps to use as an overlay, so I figured I'd just ask here before I start trying to learn how to reproject other maps.
  3. The IJN begins the war with German radios and air search radar

    Good point, they could purchase some to get them by while they get their own production online. And that's true, but Seetakt did enter service 3 years before Freya, and it was made to detect enemy ships rather than aircraft. Which I think could also be pretty helpful to the Japanese, though...
  4. The IJN begins the war with German radios and air search radar

    Are they really going to have enough time to implement these on any kind of significant scale? 1940 is cutting it pretty close. Not only do they need to produce and install them, they have to develop a doctrine around their use. That said, if they can build enough of them and deploy them, it...
  5. How long can Decolonization be delayed?

    Without the existence of the USSR or other anti-colonialist countries like communist China, it would likely be a lot easier for Europe to hold onto its colonies, for at least a little bit longer anyway. With no USSR/PRC/etc to fund and arm guerillas, it won't be quite so expensive in terms of...
  6. Most Anglophile US possible.

    Well, one thing that could help make Americans more anglophilic than they are already are would be to have some way of ensuring that British popular culture is more prevalent in America than OTL. For instance, maybe in this timeline, somehow, the center of the film industry is somewhere in the...
  7. How would the Morgenthau Plan have killed people?

    For the same reason that millions of people would starve today if you suddenly dismantled an entire country's industrial base and purposefully set them back to an agrarian existence. If you cannot pay for food, you do not get food, and if you do not get food, you die. And when food is already...
  8. What's the REAL reason Polynesians didn't colonise Australia?

    Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm no expert on maritime navigation), but human migration by sea before the advent of things like engines was essentially at the whims of the winds and currents. Looking at maps of ocean currents and prevailing winds, you can see that Australia is in a bit of a...
  9. Was Japan really in an "unwinnable" war?

    Essentially the only way for ANY country to defeat the United States is to make them get tired of fighting. Invading the continental US, hell even raiding it to try and disrupt industry, is effectively impossible. Even if Japan somehow managed to gain control of every Pacific island including...
  10. Would the Cold War still have existed if China didn’t fall to the CCP

    The Cold War would certainly be less tense in this case, but I think it would still happen. While the expansion of communism in east/southeast Asia is curbed, the Iron Curtain still exists, and there are parts of Africa, South America, western Asia, etc. still with the potential to fall into the...
  11. Bush vs. The Axis of Evil - TL

    For sure. "What if Assad didn't pull out of Lebanon?" would probably be a fairly frequent thread. A land war extending from the eastern shores of the Mediterranean to the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan would be an even worse nightmare than what America has already gotten into ITTL. Add in...
  12. Bush vs. The Axis of Evil - TL

    True, we haven't heard much about them yet. Assad is obviously out of the picture (unless something truly crazy happens that brings him back onto the anti-American side), but Gaddafi especially is an interesting factor. I wonder if this TL will have an Arab Spring equivalent, or if that will be...
  13. Bush vs. The Axis of Evil - TL

    This is shaping up to be a brutal (and fascinating, well-written) TL. At least they aren't fighting the "Beyond the Axis of Evil" countries too.
  14. Unbuilt Canada

    How about the "Mid-Canada Corridor" plan from the 1960s? It was an idea to encourage development in the more northerly areas of the provinces and the southern parts of the territories. It's something I honestly think would have greatly benefitted the country if it had been implemented. It...
  15. What if Japan gets to keep Formosa after 1945? How will this affect future PRC-Japan relations?

    If Japanese-Chinese relations are strained, I could see Japan claiming parts of the South China Sea that are strategically relevant to the defense and support of Taiwan, if not simply to prevent China from claiming the waters as their own. I think Japanese fishing around Taiwan would be subject...
  16. Who'll play the indians? We'll let the gooks play the indians. John Company plays Vietnam.

    Was there really no way you could've made this thread without using a racial slur multiple times?
  17. A victorious Imperial Germany overthrows the Bolshevist regime

    Nobody is saying the Tsar was good. The Bolshevik regime was horrific, and so was the Tsar's. They likely would try, as many anti-Bolshevik partisans did even after they won the civil war. But like with those partisans, I doubt they would have all that much success, unless Russia breaks up into...
  18. Effects of the development of pure fusion nuclear devices?

    Atoms, yes - because atoms are uncharged, they can't be contained nearly as easily or reliably as charged particles like ions. CERN could keep antihydrogen around for 17 minutes, but they managed to store antiprotons (or in other words: ionized antihydrogen) for 405 days with a Penning trap. You...
  19. AHC: Could humans have colonized Antarctica?

    The challenge here is to give Antarctica an indigenous human population. Obviously, OTL, it doesn't have one, and is the only continent on Earth to never have an indigenous population of human beings. It makes sense that it doesn't; it's a barren, hostile land devoid of most important resources...
  20. The Province of Alaska

    This level of national self-loathing is weird. Yeah, our military isn't huge, but have some national pride. As it stands, we don't need carriers, and even if we had Alaska we wouldn't either. Carriers are far better suited for offensive operations, and unless we're talking about some kind of...