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  1. Sevarics

    AHC: Have a former European colony speaking a language no longer spoken in Europe

    Does Arabic technically work for this considering how many European countries have colonies where Arabic is the official language and Arabic was the language of the Ummayads in Spain ?
  2. Sevarics

    Crusader Kings III

    It’s been awesome to play with
  3. Sevarics

    How different would colonization by a Catholic England be?

    France didn’t even obey it in the first place. Why would they obey it now
  4. Sevarics

    How different would colonization by a Catholic England be?

    Would a Catholic England allow Catholic Irish settlers in its New World colonies ?
  5. Sevarics

    How different would colonization by a Catholic England be?

    I guess Mary is just born a boy so Henry gets his son and remains an ardent Catholic.
  6. Sevarics

    How different would colonization by a Catholic England be?

    Well now Huguenots and Puritans can choose between the Netherlands and Prussia I suppose.
  7. Sevarics

    How different would colonization by a Catholic England be?

    I imagine they go to Holland and then the Dutch colonies. Maybe we get a decent sized contingent in the Cape Colony.
  8. Sevarics

    How different would colonization by a Catholic England be?

    Pretty much as the title says. Henry stays Catholic. England stays Catholic. How different would colonization that occurs under a Catholic England be? While I could see similar settlement patterns in Virginia occurring under a Catholic England. New England itself might end up wholly different...
  9. Sevarics

    Best case scenario for native Americans in the US

    Yeah that’s my point. If they intermarried with Mormons and had the same high birth rate Mormons do in otl, you’d have a lot more people of Native descent.
  10. Sevarics

    Best case scenario for native Americans in the US

    Having the current American population of people of Native descent be 2-3 times larger is definitely doable. Mormons grew from relatively nothing to 16-18 million people and most of that was demographic growth after the initial conversions. I guess that could be a possible answer, having Mormons...
  11. Sevarics

    Best case scenario for native Americans in the US

    Having 10-100 million(s) mixed race Natives in the US is definitely a much better outcome than the less than 3 million we have now. As it is, the giant increase in the Latino population of the US has increased the population of people of indigenous descent, even if they don't mark themselves as...
  12. Sevarics

    Best case scenario for native Americans in the US

    Maybe a scenario where the US is more like its Latin American counterparts and encourages intermarriages more than continuously expelling Natives.
  13. Sevarics

    Isaac Komnenos lived longer, long enough for the Komnenoi Dynasty to directly succeeded the Macedonian Dynasty

    Maybe have Isaac’s daughter Maria get married and her husband succeeds Isaac. According to Wikipedia, she was quite beautiful but remained unmarried up to and during Isaac’s reign and became a nun when he retired. She was born around the time Diogenes was so maybe Isaac had her marry him as an...
  14. Sevarics

    Better Capital City for Spain

    For a Mediterranean coastal port as a capital, there is always Cartagena instead of Valencia and Barcelona. "Cartagena has been the capital of the Spanish Navy's Maritime Department of the Mediterranean since the arrival of the Spanish Bourbons in the 18th century.[5] As far back as the 16th...
  15. Sevarics

    WI: Kilij Arslan is Captured at the Siege of Nicaea in the First Crusade ?

    Looking at this map of the First Crusades initial battles, I think that we probably still have some sort of battle with the Seljuk remnants after Nicaea at Dorylaeion and then from there they move to either Amorion or Ancyra before heading to Iconion. IOTL the Crusaders were chasing Kilij Arslan...
  16. Sevarics

    WI: Kilij Arslan is Captured at the Siege of Nicaea in the First Crusade ?

    So we potentially end up with Voimoundos Altavilla and Valduinos Voulónis as Byzantine aristocrats ? I know that Bohemond initially wanted to be Domestic of the Anatolikon. I wonder if he ends up getting that role down the line in this scenario.
  17. Sevarics

    WI: Tea was cultivated in Europe?

    The easy answer is probably for Europeans to bring Yaupon from North America over to Europe but for that to happen, they would have to not misunderstand the Native American ritual and mistakenly believe the drink causes you to vomit. Not exactly tea but similar enough.
  18. Sevarics

    WI: Kilij Arslan is Captured at the Siege of Nicaea in the First Crusade ?

    If Alexios ends up leading the more cohesive Byzantine-Frankish First Crusade, I assume that both the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia and the Duchy of Antioch (and by extension the County of Edessa) never come into being. So what do Bohemond, Baldwin and the Armenians end up doing in this situation...
  19. Sevarics

    WI: Kilij Arslan is Captured at the Siege of Nicaea in the First Crusade ?

    One side effect of Kilij Arslan being captured so early in the First Crusade is that he won't have the chance to pursue a scorched earth policy between Dorylaoin and Iconion like he did in OTL. As a result, the Crusader forces won't have to pillage and ransack their way across Anatolia and will...
  20. Sevarics

    WI: Kilij Arslan is Captured at the Siege of Nicaea in the First Crusade ?

    IOTL, Kilij Arslan underestimated the Crusaders after defeated the Peasant's Army. As a result, he went to fight the Danishmends in the East, only to have to make an about face and rush back to Nicaea when he got word of the ever growing Crusader forces at the city where his family was. He...