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  1. Jimmy Two: America in Carter's Second Term

    Leaving a first term State Treasurer to consider running come 1986
  2. Sports What Ifs.

    So, I managed to find this in my random web surfing; information about how the Nippon Professional Baseball drafts its players: With the debate I have seen of an alt-draft system for American leagues, I wonder what if the NFL had a similar system like this? Or another American sports league?
  3. Jimmy Two: America in Carter's Second Term

    I wonder if we'll see a President O'Connor at some point
  4. Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    Well, it could always be a more happy moment. John and Jackie or John and Jr. (whomever you want to pick or include the whole family) enjoy the moment and enjoy the great day and that is his last thought as he slips away into the end. Just have the life end on a bittersweet happy note of...
  5. Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    It moreso fits the academic and biographical narrative of RFK being proto-Bill Clinton IOTL with the "New Democrat" thinking. Something that, even as liberal as he could be here, does seem more likely in a realm of realistic relativism for here. That's OTL. Hence why the Xi cult even had to...
  6. McGoverning

    I am curious as to if you have a candidate in suggestion for 1976 as Vice President to replace Hart. Also, with the downballot hit McGovern took in 1974, I wonder if Edwards, after having to open up the Spillway, will have a tougher re-election battle in 1975
  7. Ease on Down the Road: A Motown-MGM Timeline

    Glad to see another update of this TL Could this lead to a Columbia - Warner merger before too long? Have the brothers be under the torch? Having the biggest home entertainment company work with the major power for Universal does wonder if there will be an MCA/RCA/Universal monopoly There was...
  8. Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    And Frank Church is once again lost to the wonders of WI
  9. Kentucky Fried Politics: A Colonel Sanders Timeline

    These two are top candidates to me
  10. Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    Looking through on this, I recognize that Desilu still survived. I would imagine they would still be involved rather than selling to Paramount as OTL (perhaps allowing Paramount in film distribution while retaining creative control), so I would think that Paramount only be allowed the...
  11. Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    The single term Mayor of North Carolina who was elected in 1983? That is a bit of a stretch, even if you wanted to wank this to the high heavens. Gantt would look more prime to challenge East for the Senate by 1986 or run for Governor in 1988 or 1992. Unless you get some sort of "Three Mile...
  12. Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    A legend survives and Bill Murray doesn't have a position for Ghostbusters (at least, not as IOTL). Always wondered what would have happened if he took National Lampoon and became a sort of Lorne Michaels head honcho for the group I am guessing by the picture all the cast are as OTL. I wonder...
  13. Jimmy Two: America in Carter's Second Term

    *bap* Go be pouty about maps somewhere else
  14. Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    Respectfully, there's a chance, and there's a wank. Even in the most ideal of situations IOTL, Reagan could only make a small dent in the Democratic numbers as part of his mandate. Bobby may pull off some voters, but even the moderates within the GOP can make the best inroads and, in this...
  15. Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    Pretty spot on, but making the case that RFK would probably have a good chance of advancing that lasting legacy in 1983 as something to run on for 1984. Give that effort to, say, have Michigan retain a Democratic legislature, Indiana's State Senate retain a Democratic majority, and begin having...
  16. Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    Well, IOTL, despite Reagan having a 49-state sweep, the end result was really nil in the Senate with a two-seat Dem gain. Here, with the inverse, I could actually see some seats being LOST rather than gained, depending on the candidate. J. James Exxon in Nebraska and Jay Rockefeller in West...
  17. Ease on Down the Road: A Motown-MGM Timeline

    Sleepy brain 😅 My b
  18. Ease on Down the Road: A Motown-MGM Timeline

    Consider me a follower
  19. Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    An RFK, Jr. that pulls an Anthony Bourdain and explores the world and cultures with no political aspirations sounds like something he could use
  20. Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    You know, as impossible as it would be, I always found the idea of another writer's Kennedy TLs having one of the family members going to the UK for politics there quite amusing. Alas, it would be interesting to see how a more involved Kennedy family becomes in culture and the arts...