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  1. AHC: The CleanNet

    I feel like I should reinforce the point that literally the only thing that has any chance of motivating the political capital for anything like this is fear of " naughty pictures". Basically any such agency primary purpose would in effect be to try and fight online porn. Which would look pretty...
  2. AHC: The CleanNet

    Not with the tech of the era. And by the time the internet actually becomes big and important enough to freak out " Think of the Children types" its arguably already too late to make the sort of extremely restrictive access and a shipload of time and effort to continually purge the internet of...
  3. Prevent NATO Expansion, and Keep Eastern Europe Tied to Russia

    That's damned near the exact opposite of damned near all US foreign policy post WW2. The closest thing to a consistent foreign policy has had since 1945 was basically "Do everything we can to limit nuclear proliferation". Both overtly and behind the curtain the US has tried to prevent even our...
  4. Could Rhodesia barely survive for a few extra years if they didn't do the Operation Eland (Nyadzonya raid) and South Africa kept supporting it?

    The most viable way of extending Rhodesia would probably be via extending Portuguese colonial Rule either in Mozambique or Angola. After the Portuguese are out the predominately Anglo Rhodesians were going to be utterly dependent on Afrikaaner supremacist South Africa for fuel, ordinance, and...
  5. In a world without an American revolution, does Britain take part in the Scramble for Africa?

    I mean the Cape colony is going to be extremely desirable for a while. First because they need to use it to maintain the trade/communications with India and until the Suez is opened all British trade and warships going to India are going to have to use the Cape Route. Theoretically if in enemy...
  6. AHC: The CleanNet

    That's generally the rule with damned near everything. Things as large and important as the internet are not gradually developed with a fully developed set of laws and regulations already in place. Governments unless their being overly onerous and just banning anything new (sort of similar to...
  7. AHC: The CleanNet

    Considering the early internet was basically cobbled together using the phone network for access I'm really really unsure how you could possibly pull anything like that level of censorship early on. I mean theoretically you could try and have extremely tight licensing requirements for owning a...
  8. Could Rhodesia barely survive for a few extra years if they didn't do the Operation Eland (Nyadzonya raid) and South Africa kept supporting it?

    Doesn't that whole thing kind of ignore that in Sierra Leone when the mercenaries got called off because it made bad PR the result was essentially a long series of crimes against humanities against the locals by rebels and required the Brits to actually out and out intervene because of the piles...
  9. Could Rhodesia barely survive for a few extra years if they didn't do the Operation Eland (Nyadzonya raid) and South Africa kept supporting it?

    Rhodesian mercenaries were popping up for a good long while after Rhodesia stopped existing. Kind of a proto example of how many post Apartheid South African mercs populated the worlds battlefields for years.
  10. Could Rhodesia barely survive for a few extra years if they didn't do the Operation Eland (Nyadzonya raid) and South Africa kept supporting it?

    Of course. I wrote a couple sentence post. But it doesn't stop it from being fundamentally true. When a nation gets independence or goes through a similar vast change keeping at least most of the old bureaucracy around in some form is pretty vital. Otherwise you get some of the more...
  11. Prevent NATO Expansion, and Keep Eastern Europe Tied to Russia

    Oddly enough it technically wasn't. Not until reunification anyway. The city was legally divided between the three Occupation zones. Effectively it did have a great deal of autonomy and connection to Western Germany. Just legally was still considered territory occupied by the French, Brits, and US.
  12. Prevent NATO Expansion, and Keep Eastern Europe Tied to Russia

    My understanding is that one of the single largest components of the Famine was British/British Indian Army troops destroying tons of small fishing vessels because they thought the IJA was about to invade and destroying the fishing boats would severely limit IJA offensive capability. The fishing...
  13. Does Robert E. Lee get too much credit as a great general?

    I've wondered for a while what would have happened if NC (and potentially Texas) had tried the "neutral" route like Kentucky. Basically not formally secede but try and say "hey we're neutral leave us alone". Of course in Kentucky's case their states rights gambit failed when the CSA just out...
  14. Does Robert E. Lee get too much credit as a great general?

    Might well have been partially because Meagher when he innocently suggested arming and freeing slaves was immediately a non person in the Confederate. Meagher might have been the only Reb who didn't realize he was fighting for slavery. Lee wasn't that oblivious. And even tacitly suggesting such...
  15. Could Rhodesia barely survive for a few extra years if they didn't do the Operation Eland (Nyadzonya raid) and South Africa kept supporting it?

    Of course. Probably made him feel dirty at the time. But keeping that beuracratic structure functional allowed South Africa to not go the way of a lot of post colonial states. Another example of a country that pretty much benefited massively not from Colonialism but from maintaining the...
  16. Could Rhodesia barely survive for a few extra years if they didn't do the Operation Eland (Nyadzonya raid) and South Africa kept supporting it?

    As sad as it is the post colonial countries that tended to survive and do something like thrive tended to be the ones that just coopted the Colonial government administrative apparatus as much as humanly possible. Revolution and trying to build something new or half ass copying what Warsaw Pact...
  17. Does Robert E. Lee get too much credit as a great general?

    By the 1860s Election the manumissions in Virginia politics were pretty much extinct.
  18. Does Robert E. Lee get too much credit as a great general?

    If they started the first year of the war what would be the point of the CSA?
  19. Does Robert E. Lee get too much credit as a great general?

    Southerners, dough faces, and fire eaters blamed literally everything on abolitionists.
  20. Does Robert E. Lee get too much credit as a great general?

    Thank god for Mark Twain and Cocaine for making Grant finishing his memoirs a reality.