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  1. Look to the West Volume X: Eclipse of Empires

    From what I can gather, no one is really sure of what Alfarus actually did because of the massive erasure and censorship of his rule after his death. Tellingly, many of the sources we're given where he is, explicitly, doing cruel things are works of fiction. Liseux, despite his background being...
  2. Fear, Loathing, and Gumbo/Rumsfeldia Con't

    You're not wrong, but it was a little more complicated than that, since the controversy started when Drew was still writing. There were a couple other reasons. One was that, as a popular timeline, the Gumboverse had numerous "follow the leader" timelines that were making people sick of dystopias...
  3. For All Time (dystopian timeline from 2001)

    NUKEMAP can't go higher than 100 megatons.
  4. The Lions of Europe

    The Hohenstaufen Emperors heavily emphasized a continuity with Charlemagne (and through him, the Roman Emperors) - according to the Staufen worldview, every Catholic monarch was a vassal of the Emperor. This was largely ignored in France, to be fair, but as mentioned in the background post Henry...
  5. The Lions of Europe

    Thank you, but I can't claim credit. I've adapted the writing style used by @Carp in the TL Sons of the Harlot Empress, where the intention is to present the TL as an in-universe pop history (albeit one translated into OTL American English). It's a style I've used once before, but hopefully this...
  6. The Lions of Europe
    Threadmarks: Historical Background

    Background - Richard I, Philip II, Barbarossa, and the Third Crusade When Henry II of England died, it was not under happy circumstances, for he was in the midst of a civil war with his own son Richard, the Duke of Aquitaine and Count of Maine. The conflict had arisen after the death of...
  7. The Lions of Europe
    Threadmarks: Title Page

    The Lions of Europe An Alternate History of the High Middle Ages From L to R: King Philip II of France, King Richard I of England, and Emperor Henry VI of the Holy Roman Empire (all pictures taken from Wikipedia) In the final years of the twelfth century, conflict raged between the Kingdoms...
  8. Request Maps/Flags/Coats of Arms/Heraldry here, II

    This is going to be an odd request but I'd like an easy to edit map of the late Eastern Han China with its provinces.
  9. Crusader Kings III

    I can guarantee that someone, somewhere, will try to (re)make the Indo-Greeks
  10. Obscure AH Websites

    It took clicking through the site several times, but I managed to find the scenario in question:
  11. Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

    Hey can people start spoilering the reddit posts? They load after the rest of the page and make it hard to read this on a phone.
  12. Crusader Kings III

    So I decided to record my first playthrough as Tuscany (my usual go-to for testing out new mechanics). Matilda di Canossa (d.1101) Matilda di Canossa inherited the Duchies of Tuscany and Spoleto on the death of her brother, Federico I. She matrilinially married Hugues d'Ivrea, a descendant of...
  13. Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

    I think the AUS suffers as a concept because the original one in HOI2 was such a weird grab-bag of figures, not helped by the last minute decision to shift their base of power from the Plains to the Solid South (which also removes what I think was the initial point behind the CSA's initials, a...
  14. Legacy of the Dragons: A Dark Ages Timeline

    Part of what happened was that alternate linguistics just don't interest me and trying to come up with new word when OTL Welsh would work just as well was a surefire way to kill interest for me. The real reason, however, is 2019 was not a good year for me and I was simply under my covers for...
  15. Legacy of the Dragons: A Dark Ages Timeline

    Hmm, alright then. In that case, I'll post this little mini update The British Language in Legacy of the Dragons. As I said in the OP, I'm not a linguist. I couldn't begin to tell you what a voiceless alveolar fricative is to save my life, and I'm looking at the Wikipedia article for that right...
  16. Legacy of the Dragons: A Dark Ages Timeline

    Like I said in the OP, I'm not good with the technical aspects of linguistics, and sources on Old Brittonic are hard to come by. I'm kind of stuck with Modern Welsh for most terms as a result.
  17. Legacy of the Dragons: A Dark Ages Timeline

    Promises next update. Proceeds to get swamped and forget about TL for 4 and a half months. Yeah, sorry about that. Things got really hectic and frustrating. Hopefully the update will go up tonight local time, but I've learned not to promise concrete deadlines.
  18. Crusader Kings II - Paradox Entertainement (02/12)

    Cadet dynasties didn't exist until after the game's timeframe and don't appear to have become an official concept until after Napoleon. Of some of the ones Wikipedia lists: 1. York: An unofficial name for Plantagenets descended from Edmund of Langley (I suppose Plantagenet itself would count...
  19. Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

    Are you using the old mod or the new mod, because there are two separate workshop files.
  20. Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

    … The photo kind of screws up any ability to actually read that.