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  1. Malaya What If

    If a British T class had done an 'I-19' (15th Sept 1942 - a single spread of 6 torpedoes sank USS Wasp - hmmm technically she was scuttled, Critically damaged the destroyer O'Brien which would later sink and badly damaged the Battleship North Carolina) with a 10 fish salvo then it might have put...
  2. Malaya What If

    That’s why British fleet subs had a large number of forward firing tubes in some cases 10 tubes to allow for a large spread to be fired to compensate for a submerged deeper than periscope depth attack using passive sonar for targeting purposes. This because they assumed as did the USN that if...
  3. Operation Market Garden doesn't fail at Nijmegen

    Why not both? But it does beg the question - was the capture of Rotterdam part of the larger plan? As you say capturing Rotterdam takes the pressure of clearing the Scheldt. And that had given me much to think about.
  4. Operation Market Garden doesn't fail at Nijmegen

    The German formations were also largely beaten up to the point of combat ineffectiveness (they might have recovered slightly from the devastating battle of France but they were far from recovered) and many of them were virtually destroyed in the battle and subsequent fighting into October. The...
  5. Operation Market Garden doesn't fail at Nijmegen

    Never overlook incompetence as a root cause. I think it was simply a rare example of British intelligence getting it very wrong for a number of poor and embarrassing reasons and the Abwehr conversely getting it right.
  6. Operation Market Garden doesn't fail at Nijmegen

    Was the radio thing not overblown? The Artillery units did have radio comms as I understand it? A couple of things I’d like to examine is:- 508th capturing the Nijmegen Bridge ASAP certainly before the 9th armoured recce battalion got there and before German troops could reinforce the town...
  7. Operation Market Garden doesn't fail at Nijmegen

    The OTL main Polish drop was actually recalled but most of the transports did not get the recall and most of the Brigade was dropped at Driel. The rest arrived after the op landing at a captured airfield. The intention of course was that the balance of the Polish Brigade join the rest of 1st...
  8. Operation Market Garden doesn't fail at Nijmegen

    Urquhart almost certainly would not have been privy to Ultra and other intel sources that had provided the Senior Allied commanders with some very accurate information which turned out to be correct. Also Paratroopers while certainly lighter armed than a Motorised infantry Division still had...
  9. Operation Market Garden doesn't fail at Nijmegen

    Bitterich the commander of the 7000 odd SS troops around the Arnhem area had about 7 assorted Tanks under his command 3 of them were even deployable and 2 of those where used to attack John Frosts position at Arnhem on the 18th both being destroyed by the 5 none existent 6 pounder guns that...
  10. Operation Market Garden doesn't fail at Nijmegen

    The whole sorry mess is here Basically one of the first captured radio operators from March 1942 while sending messages under Abwehr supervision was not including the codes in the message that showed that he was sending without duress and this should have notified his handlers in the UK that he...
  11. How can WWI end with a negotiated peace?

    There are several low hanging fruits and I’m at work so this will be brief. Correct use of improved encryption - literally the Russians knew that the Germans could read their codes but did not have enough code books for the replacement codes for all of the main HQS so continued to use the...
  12. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3

    The Pacific got Priority on LCT's as many of the target Islands had Reefs - there were no such obstacles in Europe so DD tanks and DUWKs served that capacity.
  13. How can WWI end with a negotiated peace?

    The Russians don’t ‘enjoy’ a series of massive defeats in the opening weeks of the war. So Lundendorf does not become the hero of the hour by snatching a victory from the jaws of defeat as OTL. Even a sort of draw would serve along with the Russian defeat of the Austria-Hungarian forces during...
  14. US mobilizes earlier in WW1 by Spring offensive

    Perhaps the US military and government have their own version of the 'Haldane reforms' without which the British army would have been very poorly prepared to create a continental army in WW1 (I mean it was not brilliantly placed given its lack of a national reserve of trained soldiers etc but it...
  15. Were there any real war-winning weapons in WWII?

    Poor preparation by Joe in the Summer of 1941 was far far worse than anything Churchill ever did And the USA's failures in the first year of their war namely Drumbeat and other failures to protect merchant shipping definitely put things back Churchills decision gives me heart burn but none of...
  16. Were there any real war-winning weapons in WWII?

    Book wise you mean? Not off the top of my head no. Not specific too this subject I had a book that detailed OpSec and battlefield communication (among other things such as the Empty battlefield) which I am pretty sure was by Paddy Griffith (of the famous Operation Sea Lion wargame) and it...
  17. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3

    Whot? You say it likes its a bad thing!
  18. WI US Carriers sunk in the Pearl Harbor attack?

    Had Indomitable left for Singapore the day before her grounding she unlikely would have made it in time to support Force Z. She was in the West Indies carrying out working up exercises when she ran aground on 3rd Nov. So no she likely would have continued that working up for a period of time...
  19. Malaya What If

    If the plane was similar to a British plane of the day then it would have had a raft and other supplies, the crew would have been together. Also landing in the sea with a parachute can result in the chute rapidly filling with water and dragging the wearer under before it can be ‘shed’. I think...
  20. Question: Why do most (if not all) WWIII scenarios have the Eastern Bloc fire the first shot?

    Red Storm Rising has NATO at the point where they believe war is inevitable fire the first shots. USAF ‘Frizbees’ the stealth fighters in the story sneak up on the Warsaw pack awacs shooting them down giving the rest of the NATO airforces a large advantage in the opening battles.