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  1. War over Holland a different defeat

    Please, continue These changes might cause a lot of knock-on effects later on in the war. While I do not think the Netherlands can hold its own, further losses of the elite fallschirmjager might discourage the use further on in the war (Sealion, Crete, Market Garden) After all, 1350...
  2. A Blunted Sickle - Thread II

    Yes. An excercise in minimal POD's
  3. A Blunted Sickle - Thread II

    There is a thin line between a good AH story and a story that is essentialy fantasy. Both have their merits, and for me 'a blunted sickle' is one of the best AH. The point of departure matters a lot. Is it a logical and understandable or something made up, like an alien invasion. Somewere on...
  4. AHC: Smallest, most desolate rump state possible

    For 4 years Decima (2.2 acres), a small Dutch enclave in Nagasaki was the only place on earth which still flew the Dutch flag. It even fought of a British incursion.
  5. Occupation of the Netherlands during World War 1

    Are you proposing an invasion of the Frisian islands? Some vague memories wake up from a long slumber. But in this time period the islands might actually be a front and a priority location for light units and amphibious operations. The battle of Jutland might be the battle for Texel, this time
  6. WI - a different electoral system for the Netherlands

    Probably. A lot of the rules and culture of Dutch politics is based in the "pillarisation" of the Dutch society, which stood at the basis of the "great compromise" that led to the current political system. While the effects of the pillarisation have lessend over time it is still there.
  7. The Forge of Weyland

    this one?
  8. The Forge of Weyland

    George A. Gordon, ambassador of the USA in the Netherlands, witnessing the bombing of a residential area in the Netherlands next door from the embassy, will no doubt write an interesting account about: - the tactics and percieved morality of directly targeting the population - the...
  9. A Blunted Sickle - Thread II

  10. WI: The Dutch in 1940 hold out but France, Belgium collapse as OTL. What next?

    There is a very well researched and documented timeline about the situation were: - The Dutch do not expect the French to race north and come to the rescue - They blow the Moerdijk bridges - The French do not race to the north and blunt the German sickle strike,
  11. AHC: Co-Gender NBA

    It works in Korfball.
  12. WI: Clinton nukes Belgrade during Bosnian conflict?

    Article 25 of your constitution is applied
  13. A Blunted Sickle - Thread II

    Royal Dutch Shell was then, and still is, a full Anglo-Dutch venture. By making the 5 American sisters work together you are taking on more than just the Dutch
  14. A Blunted Sickle - Thread II

    How about the mayors of Bremen and Hamburg declaring their cities to be open cities? As the telephone lines are very much intact no doubt they know about were the front is, and will be in a weeks time. Both cities have a tradition of being free cities within the German state (they still are)...
  15. A Blunted Sickle - Thread II

    just curious what he has in store for poor old Goering. He must have a lot to think about right now. Things like: - I am the most well known survivor of the German government. And it's head of state. Everybody wants my head on a stick. - As our dear Fuhrer is gone everyone will blame me for...
  16. A Blunted Sickle - Thread II

    The winter of 41-42 will be the coldest of the 20th century. It will hit in a month or so. Freezing rivers, making transport by barge impossible except for the sea harbors. Grounding air force Staying out in the open being no fun at all. And the Ruhr was the main supplier of coal to get...
  17. Germany invade the Netherlands 1918

    What does der Kaiser do after his abdication?
  18. A Blunted Sickle - Thread II

    Great map. But what happens just north of it. Has the city of Emden fallen into allied hands? It is juuuust beyond the northern border of the map on the frontline of the Dutch army. It is well accessible from the sea, it would cross the Ems river and open it for use as an extra supply route...
  19. A Blunted Sickle - Thread II

    A lot will depend on the few SS soldiers with Hitler right now, when and how he awakes, when he is found, if he is found and by who. Ah, and the moustache. Does Goring know he is still alive? Does the OKH? Who's assassination was it anyway? Did Goring know?