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  1. Dan1988

    WI: Bush didn't fire Jay Garner?

    Apart from me thinking it would take longer than 90 days, at least the Garner Plan would have made Iraq pure background noise when I was in high school. It would be welcome by a lot of us who wanted quick results (even though quick results are an artifact of fairy tales and the 24h news cycle).
  2. Dan1988

    What if Russia was only an absolute monarchy briefly?

    Problem is that by that point, the patrimonial state was already ingrained thinking about how Russian governance was supposed to work, so somethinglike a Russian Magna Carta and reversing serfdom is borderline ASB, if not just simply infeasible. The Orthodox Church would be against abolishing...
  3. Dan1988

    In a world without an American revolution, does Britain take part in the Scramble for Africa?

    Well, considering the slave trade was still going on from West Africa and (especially in the case of Portugal) Central Africa around the time of the American Revolution, there would still be interest from Britain in Africa, if only starting from that point. Where it would go from there is...
  4. Dan1988

    Best way to get the post-colonial American states on a similar playing field?

    Qualification: the southern colonies were interested in turning a profit as a primary concern (minus Georgia), while the northern colonies would be the closest to your thinking simply because the land was too poor to do large-scale plantation agriculture.
  5. Dan1988

    Prevent NATO Expansion, and Keep Eastern Europe Tied to Russia

    Certainly. The trouble with Stalin's paranoia was that he wanted the new Communist states to be exact carbon copies of what the USSR was up to that point (and, in the case of the Baltics, exactly like all the other SSRs), which meant that existing traditions in, say, East Germany and Yugoslavia...
  6. Dan1988

    Prevent NATO Expansion, and Keep Eastern Europe Tied to Russia

    Umm, I'm not sure that's the look the Empire was going for - as it was, the Baltic countries were distinctly non-Russian and continued to remain that way until they gained ( not given) independence. Attempts to make it so by the Empire never worked out, and that was also true of the USSR. As...
  7. Dan1988

    Prevent NATO Expansion, and Keep Eastern Europe Tied to Russia

    Marshal Tito and his refusal to accept Soviet domination over Yugoslavia, despite being one of Stalin's favorites, put the kiboosh on the Soviet Union lightening up its grip on Eastern Europe well before the Berlin Blockade/Airlift became a thing. If you have that plus, say, Tito outsmarting...
  8. Dan1988

    How feasible is it for the United States to have their own version of Quebec?

    Technically Louisiana used the Code Napoléon for organizational purposes only; the bulk of the Civil Code ultimately derives from Spanish law. Quebec pulled off a similar trick before they overhauled it in the 1970s and 1980s to bring it in line with Canadian human rights law and all that...
  9. Dan1988

    AHC: Earlier Fourth Television Network?

    Problem with Paramount was that it always seemed to butt heads with regulators quite a bit (cf. the Paramount decree in 1948 that forced it to divest of its theaters) so that was not going to fly for all sorts of reasons and hence made the debacle with Dumont worse.
  10. Dan1988

    AHC: Earlier Fourth Television Network?

    Perhaps that could have been rectified with Mutual doing a tie-up earlier, or at least have Mutual as the additional 4th TV network instead of Dumont.
  11. Dan1988

    AHC/WI: Distributist country

    Considering its emphasis on localism and all that, I could easily see it either as a base for an alternative form of socialism (think Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker movement writ large) or something to radically reshape local economies regardless of underlying economic framework. Something...
  12. Dan1988

    If an empowered Federalist secessionist plot had taken the Northeast out of the Union, would the Old Northwest have become slaveholding states?

    Not necessarily as far as RI goes; Boston and (whatever county seat is currently the state capital at that time in the rotation) would be at loggerheads because their priorities are different, compounded by border issues. Just because a state is unhappy with how the war is going does not...
  13. Dan1988

    If an empowered Federalist secessionist plot had taken the Northeast out of the Union, would the Old Northwest have become slaveholding states?

    And I would also add which states are going along with it? Even in Massachusetts, the Republicans were gaining enough party strength that early in the 1810s, they held a majority in the General Court. If secession was a way to ward off the growing popularity of the Republicans in New England...
  14. Dan1988

    If an empowered Federalist secessionist plot had taken the Northeast out of the Union, would the Old Northwest have become slaveholding states?

    The thing about the Federalists and secession is that, even at its height, the idea was still relatively unpopular in New England in general despite the outrage. Sure, the Federalists were loud about secession to begin with, but even in MA (the epicenter of the whole thing) support for...
  15. Dan1988

    If an empowered Federalist secessionist plot had taken the Northeast out of the Union, would the Old Northwest have become slaveholding states?

    Late 1700s saw early forms of the cotton gin already being developed even before Eli Whitney popularized the idea, so it's already on its way.
  16. Dan1988

    LGBT rights in a modern Soviet Union?

    Remember, though, that Gorbachev unwittingly also had a huge revival of the Russian Orthodox Church go on as a result of glasnost, so it's just as equally possible that the Church would egg on any homophobic laws the Soviet government would come up with. Including stuff that we associate with...
  17. Dan1988

    Southern Rhodesia joined South Africa post-Great War, what the small world consequences?

    I guess it depends on location, but I think that, for the most part, unlike the Rhodesians, Anglo-South Africans in the main were largely indifferent except for those directly involved with the anti-apartheid movement. So you were right with the assertion that:
  18. Dan1988

    Map of the USA in 1776 if the major historical colonies still existed

    ...east of the Penobscot would be the epicenter here for that tug-of-war as a borderland; otherwise, if it remained separate, then it could be the *US's first bona fide territory as it would later develop IOTL in the Old Northwest. If a tripartite division is desired, then you could have one...
  19. Dan1988

    Map of the USA in 1776 if the major historical colonies still existed

    IIRC the original Popham Colony wasn't meant to cover all of Maine; just largely the areas around the Kennebec River. So what is labeled as Maine here could definitely shrink and split up into at least 2-3 small colonies, if not more.
  20. Dan1988

    Eisenhower dies from heart attack in 1955 - Nixon president 14 years early

    Unless Mao really wanted to keep China on the path championed later on by Jiang Qing, in which case the PRC might not be that willing to open up à la North Korea now. In that case, w/o the opening Nixon provided IOTL, in the US "Free China" would still mean Taiwan, so at some point there would...