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  1. Flag Thread V

    Spmething that you're missing is the fact that all these are quite archaic, oftentimes by more than a millennia. "Tsar" was comparable to Emperor, and was certainly derived from a word that meant that, but it lost that definition in the process, and became more equal to 'king.' In Russian, for...
  2. These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England

    Vaalia 2023 Vaalian general election List of Presidents of Vaalia Vaalian Rasbeheerdireksie (Race Control Board) Legislatures of Vaalia New Homeland Trek Vaalian Census Data (1920-1940) Provinces of Vaalia Results of the 2023 Vaalian General Election Ethnic Map of Vaalia
  3. Flag Thread V does not. Many Slavic nations called their rulers 'Tsar,' or called fictional kingdoms 'Tsardoms,' and it was pretty well understood that these were kingdoms, not empires.
  4. These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England

    As stated in the post, credit for the images belongs to our author, @CosmicAsh. I'm sure she'd be open to answering questions here or on the discord.
  5. These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England

    This is correct! The Glusckburg realm remained the gatekeepers of the Baltic for more than a century longer than in our universe.
  6. These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England

    Denmark 2024 Danish general election Former Minister of the Interior Jette Rasmussen Danish Regional Leaders (2024) Danish Regions Regions of Denmark List of Prime Ministers of Denmark An analysis of "In the Shadow of the Clocktower" Trial of the 27 July Coup of Denmark...
  7. These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England

    Sardinia agrees to French-brokered treaty to hand Corsica back to France (BBC News: 25-August-2024)
  8. These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England

    Unfortunately, yes. Having nine years instead instead of nine months, as well as several cannons lobbing shells non-stop, would make much of a difference. It took the British Empire a significant amount of time here to finally mitigate the threat posed by French assault, far more time than it...
  9. These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England

    The French Empire The Tempest The Siege of Rangoon American Expeditionary Force Great Continental War Credit belongs to @CosmicAsh
  10. These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England

    War of the Rio de la Plata Siege of Dakar Polish Uprising Siege of Madrid French occupation of Darwin Credit belongs to @CosmicAsh
  11. These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England

    In a world without an overbearing superpower dictating to the rest that free trade is now the rule of the land, each great power continued to carve out sectors of influence, and a sphere of one power's influence naturally cannot have the influence of their rivals. These same rivalries have made...
  12. These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England

    "The Times," if you ask your British uncle. Should always be remembered that the official romanization of Philadelphic is determined by the British, who are not exactly...friendly with its speakers' primary government. The phrase "Gûd mꜵrniŋ, hɋu ɋr îʉ dʉiŋ?" can be transliterated as "Gwd...
  13. These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England

    Top 20 largest newspapers by daily circulation (2021) credit: @CosmicAsh
  14. These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England

    Unfortunately, no. Sports in general are quite fractured. There certainly are ambitions for both Pan-Slavic games and for European games in general, although neither currently exists from what I understand. As the Jewish developer of the TL, I am genuinely happy to see the author of another...
  15. These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England

    Only as much as it is to any other dictatorship. Funny that the British should be mentioned, since the Imperial Games is the closest thing this world has to an Olympic Games. Teams from across the British Empire--with player rosters that tend to be more diverse--compete in a multitude of...
  16. These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England

    A dictator's legacy and an enduring crusade, 75 years on (South China Morning Post: 28 August 2008)
  17. These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England

    Vancouver's Filipino community must stand at the forefront of welcoming and fighting for the rights of climate refugees (The Vancouver Community Post: 22 December 2005)
  18. These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England

    There certainly was nothing close to the Holocaust, although the siege of St. Petersburt resulted in nearly 3 million deaths alone, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was a slog of a campaign for both Russia and France. Can't speak for the French here, at least on the Eastern Front. Depends on...
  19. These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England

    Imperialism is not shamed, but there's also no drive for territory for territory's sake as we saw in our own timeline. Imperialism remains, above all, strategic, and Britain's actions in the early 19th century were driven above all by the desire to contest French influence globally. This...
  20. These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England

    Hong Kong is a realm of eleven million. Cyprus, Gambia, and Malta equate to less than twenty percent of that. Political calculations reflect this.