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  1. WI US Carriers sunk in the Pearl Harbor attack?

    What if - both the Enterprise & Lexington were sunk during the Pearl Harbor attack? What happens next? I imagine that the Hornet is moved to the Pacific to join the Saratoga, but does the Wasp join them? Does the Yorktown's 'shake-down' shortened to make it available. I doubt the 'Tokyo Raid'...
  2. A US 'Ju-88'

    While the Germans liked to pretend Ju-88 was a German design - crediting it to Junkers cheif designer Dipl. Ing. Zindel, it was in fact designed by W.H. Evers - a US citizen, and Alfred Gasner. Evers after working in the US aircraft industry returned to Germany in 1935, accompanied by Gasner...
  3. Battle of Britain - Big Wing - opinions

    There have been many BoB related discussions - many for example prefering that Trafford Leigh-Mallory was elsewhere rather than AOC 12 Group. However whaat are your opinions regarding not how the Big Wing fared in OTL., but what do you think of how Bader wanted it to be used. That is - what the...
  4. Effects of the demise of the Graf Spee at the hands of a HMS 'Vindictive' Class Light Carrier, and accompanying Cruisers.

    Here, the RN by some means manage to have the means to convert WW1 heavy cruisers - well the 7.5"" guns would be odd, into light carriers. They were converted all at once, but one by one over time. By the late thirties, the allocation of new aircraft to thhe FAA wasn't as good as wanted, which...
  5. The German v Russia war how can Germany be victorious, or is it impossible?

    Over the years there have been various threads about this, how this or that is impossible etc. So, I wondered what would be possible, Did do the best that they could or could they have done more? With 'one' or 'four' unless victory is complete with a Russian surrender or 'peace', the Germans...
  6. WI A Goring style Navy?

    When questioned about 'heavy bombers' Goring is reputed to have replied 'Hitler doesn't care how big the Luftwaffe bombers are, only how many have we got'. WI then the same applied to the German navy! Hence, Germany didn't seek to compete with Britain with big battleships - the RN could simple...
  7. Christopher Columbus goes west & discovers 'China'!

    WI: When Columbus 'discovered' America he sees a bustling coastline, filled with lights, and as he gets closer, he can make out several fishing boats. He anchors off-shore and sends a boat out to investigate. They find a busy town, with a market place full of produce, and various animal skins...
  8. The Allies throw 'sixes in the Pacific. How quickly does it affect Europe.

    The US acts more proactively. Pearl Harbor was prepared and waiting - np ships sunk, only badly damaged and lightly damaged. Japanese lost more aircraft than their worst estimates. Moreover, lost a cruiser to a US submarine on the northerly patrol - here the torpedoes work fine! Meanwhile the RN...
  9. Pearl Harbor - warning - what ATL difference.

    I'm not talking maybe up to an hour - with the radar warning. I'm not talking about an hour plus, - I want confirmation' of the submarine sighting by USS Ward Nor am I talking about the final decrypt that led to the final warning - if someone for example realised what the significance of the...
  10. WI: No Boer War - effect on WW1?

    If the British Army didn't suffer under the Boers, they'd have little incentive to modernize That is, their uniform may not have undergone a fundamental rethink, as a result of the Boer combat experience. Moreover, correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to recall that as a result of that 'combat...
  11. WI Cromwell brought Electoral Reform to britain a couple of hendred years earlier than otl?

    My knowledge of history of the time is probably a bit hiazy - maybe too influenced by the film Cromwell'. Nevertheless, Cromwell became for a short time a virtual dictator, after dissolving Parliament. Could he I wonder, have done away with 'gerrymandering', the 'Rotten Boroughs', and redefined...
  12. WI "The Great Escape" more successful (and I don't mean the film).

    In the UK Channel 5 have a three part programme about the 'Great Escape' - some fascinating info in it. For example - how co-operative some of the guards could be for important info/documents. Before 'escape day' one of the senior guards went away on leave, great - but if only his return was...
  13. How many 'White' Russian divisions in 1941+ in a WE inasion T/L?

    We all know that in OTL many Germany formations were hailed as liberators by the Russian people. But Nazi policies prevented them, taking as much advantage of that, as perhaps they could have. Hence, I wonder in a scenario where it is not a Hitler led Germany, but an anti-communist Europe that...
  14. WI; RR Vulture engine cancelled much earlier e.g. 1938/39

    Impact on RR - will more powerful Merlins be available earlier? Would the Griffon be produced earlier? Impact on aircraft: - Will the Lancaster make its maiden flight a year earlier i.e. Jan '40 - Vickers Warwick is cancelled. - Hawker Tornado second prototype has the Bristol Centaurus engine...
  15. AHC - What contribution would British Forces make and where?

    With a non-Nazi Germany (maybe the Weimar Republic survived) - Western Europe faces an aggressive Russia. Its simmering dispute with Poland has led to concerns in the corridors of power in Paris and London, while nothing official has been announced, Germany is given the 'nod' to quietly rearm...
  16. War in Europe - how different, without a Pacific War?

    No Japan v china war - Japan's 'hotheads' are restrained. There may be potential for Japan to go 'north' if the conditions are favourable enough, otherwise - all quiet on the eastern front. 1st question is when and if the US join the war? How much assistance do they give the UK before that...
  17. AHC: British (designed) jet fighters engage in combat with Soviet (designed) fighters.

    the only combat air-to-air kills that come to mind are with FAA aircraft in the Falklands War. Going back, a sea Fury had a chance encounter and shot down a Mig-15 in the Korean War, But what else - I think in th Suez Crisis the Egyptian Air Force stayed away from RAF/FAA aircraft. While in the...
  18. Wank the Royal Navy WW2

    It's often said that Japan for the first six-months threw a 'six' as a way of explaining her success. So, what happens if the Royal navy had metaphorically thrown a 'six'. How much more successful could it have been? Moreover I think it needs to be longer than six months - after all nullifying...
  19. Pro-Axis RAF v Soviet Red Air Force?

    A continuation of previous -'Pro-Axis' threads, this one follows on from the last Pro-Axis Britain what aircraft etc. As per the last post:- RAF contingent arrived in Finland in mid April 1941, some by air others in transports to be re-assembled. Fighters - 2 Wings of Spitfire IIs and one...
  20. Pro-Axis South Africa - after 'Peace in the West

    As per other similar threads - Peace in the West summer of 1940 - South Africa as one of the more reluctant of the Dominions to declare war in OTL. In this situation, with little information on whether a 'Free-Britain' will attempt to carry on, SA gave its support to Germany. Now this may have...