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  1. Aisha Clan-Clan

    Economic impacts of no WWI?

    Without OTL's 1914-1991 force draft push, with lesser efforts continuing since then all the extra capital floating around means they do a few things 1) Do various efforts of OTL but in a higher quality 2) put more effort in the economy/infrastructure in general 3) exploit various technological...
  2. Aisha Clan-Clan

    WI: George Lucas is murdered by an obsessive Star Wars "fan" in 2005

    Disney would know the risks and decide to make something that's at worst on the prequels' level of quality for a sequel trilogy once they buy it. Perhaps we'd get the adaptation of the thrawn trilogy.
  3. Aisha Clan-Clan

    Economic impacts of no WWI?

    Technology would be 40-60 years behind OTL without the wars/cold war to do OTL's MASSIVE infusion of R&D capital+creating modern style state/megacorp funding of R&D as we know it. However, without the high modernist state of OTL and less red tape expect much more usage of what possibilities...
  4. Aisha Clan-Clan

    The Collapse of the Russian Empire 1905

    No WWI since germany gets it's place in the sun by annexing ukraine/belarus/the baltics/congress poland.
  5. Aisha Clan-Clan

    Woodrow Wilson’s VP takes confident charge … gets a Treaty good enough to prevent German rearmament ? ?

    Kill hitler anytime before august 1939. The german reaction becomes more moderate.
  6. Aisha Clan-Clan

    Woodrow Wilson’s VP takes confident charge … gets a Treaty good enough to prevent German rearmament ? ?

    Any treaty that wasn't a CP victory would generate enough seething to produce rearmament. If you want to dodge a second european war, just kill Hitler sometime during the war or in the 1920s. That gets you a junta or reactionary monarchist germany that grabs austria and the sudenten plus takes...
  7. Aisha Clan-Clan

    AHC & WI: No Baby Boom

    The pill invented in 1920 like in the draka timeline.
  8. Aisha Clan-Clan

    Possible PODs to get a true space economy by 2030-40s?

    Well, my logic here was ending/preempting the cold war _before_ a sputnik-equivelant happens to make the US start putting real effort. Essentially, a slower effort built up over decades is imo FAR more sustainable than OTL's moonshot approach. A no-WWI world probably doesn't have the true space...
  9. Aisha Clan-Clan

    Possible PODs to get a true space economy by 2030-40s?

    Ah, but how to get your world of more gradualist progress? Dropshot WWIII or Korea escalates into WWIII. Cold war is over so space program is initially far smaller and more limited than OTL but builds up over time, including earlier than OTL private sector support. Dunno if it builds enough to...
  10. Aisha Clan-Clan

    Plausibility Check: Yet Another "Draka" Timeline

    Looking at how the US was able to quietly rise to #1 industrial power without anyone in europe noticing that much, the "stupid virus" as people often put it of people ignoring the draka's expansion/industrialization in canon makes ALOT more sense. I'd add it makes even more sense than with the...
  11. Aisha Clan-Clan

    WI: No WWII, no massive increase in military spending, what happens to the USA?

    Bigger welfare state by now but visibly weaker regulations in most areas, besides finance plus stronger unions. The bigger welfare state would come in gradual phases and be a reaction to the post-new deal reaction of the 40s and 50s in the atl plus whagever laissez faire reaction in the 70s and...
  12. Aisha Clan-Clan

    WI: No WWII, no massive increase in military spending — and we lose the delicious AH aspect of GI Bill and education ? ?

    New Deal is probably mostly rolled back in 40s but we end up with a backlash to that in the 50s or 60s with a better, broader-based and less racist welfare state than OTL's shall we say clientalist new deal/great society.
  13. Aisha Clan-Clan

    Demographic and Geopolitical Effects of Israel taking West Bank and Gaza in 1948

    Jordan would be occupied in the 1950s, to provide a military frontier/occupied zone so less changes than you'd think.
  14. Aisha Clan-Clan

    Who runs - and wins - if Reagan decides not to run for re-election in 1984?

    Reagan deciding not to run in '84 due to age/health issues probably means you see insane conspiraciism and a more paranoid base earlier than OTL. This isn't just simply a timeshifting of OTL's dynamics but given this is when the silents/GIs are a vigorous force in the electorate along with the...
  15. Aisha Clan-Clan

    AHC: Independence movements in sub-Saharan Africa are mainly led by indigenist leaders

    Without the USSR around to provide the money/arms and set the message, though...
  16. Aisha Clan-Clan

    AHC: Independence movements in sub-Saharan Africa are mainly led by indigenist leaders

    Somehow delay decolonization past the fall of the ussr.
  17. Aisha Clan-Clan

    Planetocopia Map Thread

    No. It just seems extremely likely to happen with expanded landmasses/distance from the ocean.
  18. Aisha Clan-Clan

    Planetocopia Map Thread

    Yeah. Got it on the first try.
  19. Aisha Clan-Clan

    Planetocopia Map Thread

    Monsoon climates. Lots of monsoon climates with the massive continental interiors.
  20. Aisha Clan-Clan

    [Technology] Miscellaneous Computing and Electronics AH Idea and Scenario Discussion Thread

    No EU on internet... no GDPR popups. No GDPR cookie popups would make it better than OTL.