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  1. Paris Gun brings down the Eiffel Tower?

    Would a lucky hit from the Paris Gun be enough to cause enough damage to bring the Eiffel Tower down, probbaly not given the size of shell, but if it did, what effect would that have on French thinking?
  2. Germany loses a ship or ships during the raids on UK East Coast 1914

    November / December 1914, German Battlecruisers, Armoured Cruisers and Cruisers launch raids on UK East Coast towns part of an operation to try and draw out parts of the Grand Fleet where they could be destroyed by the HSF. No German ships were lost during the operations off the UK coast but...
  3. 4 Revenge class Battleships and 3 Renown class Battlecruisers

    OTL the RN got 5 Revenge class battleships and 2 Renown class Battlecruisers but what if one of the Revenges became a Renown giving the RN 4 Revenge class battleships and 3 Renown class Battlecruisers. Does the extra Battlecruiser give the RN more options?
  4. Operation Pelikan

    This may be better in the ASB board but what would be the effects of a successful Operation Pelikan? Operation Pelikan (German: Unternehmen Pelikan), also known as Projekt 14, was a German plan for crippling the Panama Canal during World War II...
  5. Alternate UK procurement, design and tactics 1901 to 1918

    Possibly a bit too large a window but what changes would the board think would be useful to UK military procurement, design and tactics 1901 to 1918?
  6. No evaporative cooling

    The RR Goshawk used evaporative cooling and was less than successful. What effects would result from use of the then standard liquid cooling
  7. LNER (and LMS) 'The State and The Railways'

    In the current edition of Rail, there is an article on 'The Beeching Legacy' that says. 'In the run up to the publication of the 1947 Transport Act, the LNER (backed to a lesser extent by the LMS) advanced and argument that we would recognise today. In the paper titled The State and The...
  8. Simultaneous Op Hands Up, Chastity and Overlord

    Is it possible to conduct a simultaneous Operation Hands Up, Chastity and Overlord? I notice the Operation Chastity wiki looks to have been expanded a bit recently.
  9. Formation of the SAS

    David Stirling’s original idea was to parachute in close to the target, attack and then withdraw, but I don’t recall seeing it mentioned how he expected to get out. As it happened, following the first, and last, parachute drop in which was a disastrous failure, the survivors rendezvoused with...
  10. Formation of the SAS

    David Stirling’s original idea was to parachute in close to the target, attack and then withdraw, but I don’t recall seeing it mentioned how he expected to get out. As it happened, following the first, and last, parachute drop in which was a disastrous failure, the survivors rendezvoused with...
  11. Working Internal Combustion Aircraft Catapult

    The US C-14 Internal Combustion (IC) catapult has been mentioned on a post on the Secret Projects website and it now has its own thread here Description of the C-14 and IC catapults here...
  12. Operation Willi carried out Operation Willi was the German code name for the unsuccessful attempt by the SS to kidnap Edward, Duke of Windsor in July 1940 and induce him to work with German dictator Adolf Hitler for either a peace settlement with Britain, or a restoration to...
  13. Calais region part of Belgium?

    Not really sure where this goes. What changes could you see if most of the Calais region down to as far as Berck had ended up as part of Belgium rather than France?
  14. Operation Lucid ships reach their targets

    Operation Lucid was a British plan to use fire ships to attack invasion barges that were gathering in ports on the northern coast of France in preparation for a German invasion of Britain in 1940. The attack was initiated several times in September and October that year but unreliable ships and...
  15. Cressy class cruisers are uniform 9.2"

    On this thread here on Alternate Lord Nelsons, John French has noted In 1897, the DNO, Captain Kane, made a suggestion for the Cressy class cruisers, then being designed, that power loading...
  16. Montgomery dies June 6 1944

    Who would take his place if Montgomery had suddenly died June 6th 1944 - assume not as a result of enemy action - and how would that different commander get on with everyone else?
  17. Earlier electrification

    What changes would you expect if the electrification that started in the 1880's had been able to start in the late 1840's/early 1850's?
  18. Earlier rubber tree plantations

    From wiki South America remained the main source of latex rubber used during much of the 19th century. The rubber trade was heavily controlled by business interests but no laws expressly prohibited the export of seeds or plants. In 1876, Henry Wickham smuggled 70,000 Amazonian rubber tree seeds...
  19. 1797 Battle of Santa Cruz de Tenerife a British victory

    OTL, this battle was a Spanish victory but what would have happened following on had it been a British victory?
  20. British canal system modernised and widened as per that of Germany, Netherlands and France

    The British canal system never got the modernisation and widening that the canal systems of Germany, Netherland and France did but what would be the effects if they did and what canals are most likely to be modernsied and widened? Note, was originally in before 1900 but moved as its effects are...