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  1. WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

    IRL yes, but I brought in Brian Blessed IIRC
  2. WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

    We got Brian Blessed as the 7th Doctor IIRC so it'll do better and survive
  3. WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

    With the UK elections tonight, should I go for an alternate PM or two ITTL? I said I'd steer clear mostly of British politics, but if there is a British Tory or Labour party leader who is a big Trek fan...
  4. WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

    —I haven’t decided on whether Cosby gets outed yet, but I did make a brief reference in the TL about him so that could be on the cards —I made a reference to the Bradford City fire in 1985 being much worse than OTL and leading to Taylor report level reforms to prevent future stadium disasters...
  5. WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

    --Shatner is not quite at Susan Lucci territory (18 Emmy nominations before winning on the 19th try), but he is starting to be seen that way. We could see Shatner have a more prestigious career ITTL post-Trek because he did get the Oscar nomination for Red Storm Rising. He did win Emmys for...
  6. WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

    I'm curious, isn't there another big pop culture TL on AH where Jim Shooter buys Marvel? It's not a hard change for me to make ITTL but I'd need to read that TL and conduct a lot of research for it
  7. WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

    A couple of notes about how Fall 1988 will go down ITTL: Paramount Television Network is broadcasting the 1988 Summer Olympics from September 17 to October 2 and the Major League Baseball playoffs from October 4 to October 22. Pretty much all of Paramount's normally scheduled programming during...
  8. WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

    Come for the Star Trek, stay for the politics and the rest of the pop culture
  9. WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

    Hopefully I'll have another update in the next 2-3 days but I'm not sure. It'll be easy to write though because I won't have any TNG plots to cook up (for June and July 1988). The next update might not have a lot of Star Trek in it so I'll have to see what I want to put in there
  10. WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

    Shatner hasn't won any prestigious awards, unlike the more decorated members of the TOS cast ITTL. --Nimoy has an Oscar (Fiddler on the Roof) and a couple of Emmys for TOS. He also has an Emmy for Golda. --Kelley has an Emmy for TOS --DC Fontana gave Doohan one of her Emmys for TAS --Takei has...
  11. WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 237: Academy Awards (April 1987) and May 1987

    I'm getting back in the groove of writing again. Today's update will likely be longer than the April update. We're going to wrap up TNG Season 1 with a two-parter, not a cliffhanger. We'll also have a lot of other stories in the world at the time, including a sports update, a Cold War update...
  12. WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

    Looking at getting an update done later today
  13. WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

    A few things I have to consider: --Bringing Tasha Yar back for season 2 means I either don't bring Guinan back until season 3 or I create another scenario in Yesterday's Enterprise (season 3) that allows Guinan to know that the Enterprise is in the wrong timeline. --Troi as CMO is something I...
  14. WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

    We might bring George R.R. Martin into the writers' room in season 2 or 3 ITTL
  15. WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

    The battle and liberation of Betazed ITTL will change the canon of DS9 a bit. Instead of stopping the war at Cardassia the Fed and Klingons will fight into the Gamma Quadrant and ensure the Dominion never has the opportunity to return. The atrocity perpetrated by the Dominion is so ghastly that...
  16. WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 236: April 1988

    My school year (I'm a teacher) is just about over, so I didn't have any time to write. Now I should have time to write a bit, so hopefully we get a few more updates. I'm so thrilled that everyone was so patient for another update. It took me a while to get into the groove of writing again so...
  17. WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

    Star Trek: Liberation is the Dominion War film (Liberation of Betazed). It will shock viewers ITTL because some of the pictures on Betazed will remind people of World War II
  18. WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

    I missed talking to you! That’s a fantastic premise. If I use it I have to give you credit
  19. WI: The Enterprise completes its five year mission (Star Trek survives for 5 seasons)

    IIRC my plan was to have Q as the primary antagonist of the first TNG movie instead of redoing Star Trek Generations. I want the TNG crew to stand on their own completely instead of being subordinate to the TOS crew, which is more important ITTL due to TOS's outsized influence (we have TOS +...