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  1. Can the Kingdom of Kongo "Pull a Meiji"?

    It's ambiguous grammer in the part I quoted. He already explained his intended interpretation. It could also be plainly interpreted the other way.
  2. Can the Kingdom of Kongo "Pull a Meiji"?

    It's what you suggested they do in the post I quoted. The tsetse fly needs warmth, but also hates sunlight. Or rather, without shade they cannot reproduce, IIRC. Which is apparently why sleeping sickness spread in the aftermath of the rinderpest epidemic. Fewer grazing animals -> forest...
  3. Can the Kingdom of Kongo "Pull a Meiji"?

    Don't use a Mercator projection map. Ethiopia is far away from Kongo and pretty much unconqerable by them. The modern Congo is huge, and Africa is the second largest continent by a large margin. The problem with going after Kongo's neighbors is there aren't defensible borders nearby, the...
  4. Can the Kingdom of Kongo "Pull a Meiji"?

    I don't know a great deal about the specifics of the Kongo at that time. However, what I do know mostly works against them. The strong African candidates in the general era were Egypt and Ethiopia. Both had defensible margins and weren't dependent on the slave trade (even if both had large...
  5. The eagle's left head

    A pronoia has no accompanied governance responsibility. It's just taxation rights for military service.
  6. Tunisia Remains A “European” Country

    *Riled Spanish Noblemen, circa 1000 AD* "We left. Scandinavians are just our lazy relatives that stayed home!"
  7. How long could Rhodesia have held out?

    Have Labour do something particularly stupid. No, not the Tories. That would trigger the wrong kind of emigrant.
  8. Our Fractured Crown: An Eastern Roman Timeline

    Ok. Well, the Romans are rather closer.
  9. Our Fractured Crown: An Eastern Roman Timeline

    Jason (and the Argonauts) are thought to have gone to Georgia to obtain the Golden Fleece. "Nowadays, the heraldic variations of the Golden Fleece are featured frequently in Georgia, especially for Coats of Arms and Flags associated with Western...
  10. Our Fractured Crown: An Eastern Roman Timeline

    Is this a subtle declaration of intent to conquer Georgia? solicit
  11. Russian Objectives in a World Without World Wars Toll for getting in or out of the Baltic. Remitted to the king of Denmark.
  12. Russian Objectives in a World Without World Wars

    Constantinople, Manchuria, East Turkestan, Mongolia, menacing Iran or Afghanistan, and a deal on the Sund tolls. Some kind of Pan-Slavic solidarity mess in the Balkans.
  13. Nobunaga’s Ambition Realized: Dawn of a New Rising Sun

    So long as they're not in a position of using significant numbers of African slaves. Then it's a straight road to dehumanization town. If they get in an enemy-of-my-enemy situation, say against the Ottomans, Portuguese or Dutch, they could instead view them positively.
  14. Ghastly Victories: The United States in the World Wars

    What were the changes?
  15. Ghastly Victories: The United States in the World Wars

    Why did the Soviets go for the kill against Finland this ATL? Just a random difference?
  16. Catalogue of Victorious Nazi Reichs

    Because I'm not braindead? Why are you giving me trouble about it?
  17. Catalogue of Victorious Nazi Reichs

    We're in the before 1900 forum, so of course?
  18. Catalogue of Victorious Nazi Reichs

    Leave out ASB timelines, even well-reasoned ones.
  19. REDUX: Place In The Sun: What If Italy Joined The Central Powers?

    Nerve gas not invented yet. Nitrogen? Shouldn't it be napalm or something? "had sat in the rear" Great chapters! Really well done.