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  1. Disaster At Longueuil - A Different Invasion of Quebec

    Nice. At least he won't found a crazy religion.
  2. Disaster At Longueuil - A Different Invasion of Quebec

    What will become of the Prophet Aaron Burr (May He Rest In Peace) ITTL?
  3. Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    At least Able Archer won't happen ITTL. Or it still takes place, but Gorby doesn't nearly start World War 3.
  4. Reconstruction: The Second American Revolution - The Sequel to Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid

    I meant in general design, obviously not in scale. Also, I was just thinking aloud.
  5. Wasteland Memories: Photos from the Fallout Universe

    Does it still end with Jane screaming at the sight of her stillborn baby?
  6. Reconstruction: The Second American Revolution - The Sequel to Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid

    I honestly wonder what the rebuilt DC would look like? Would there be an equivalent to the Volkshalle or the Palace of the Soviets?
  7. Worst movies/TV shows that never existed

    British sitcom from the early 80s.
  8. Worst movies/TV shows that never existed

    It's from "The Young Ones"
  9. Worst movies/TV shows that never existed

    Bambi Goes Crazy-ape Bonkers with his Drill and Sex (1983) The infamous "Disney Nasty", animated and financed by former WDA employees, it's widely regarded as one of the worst movies ever made. One of the "highlights" is when Bambi shoves a drill in a virgin otter's face. It's nothing but sex...
  10. When and How would Danzig have been reannexed by Germany if the NSDAP never came to power?

    Okay. How about this: In exchange for giving up East Prussia (let's say this takes place in 1925), Germany would receive: --Danzig and the associated corridor. --An end to the occupation of the Rhineland. --Suspension of war reparations. --Expansion of the Reichsheer to 500,000. --Maximum...
  11. When and How would Danzig have been reannexed by Germany if the NSDAP never came to power?

    Not even with a few more incentives, such as an end to the Rhineland occupation and allowing official rearmament?
  12. When and How would Danzig have been reannexed by Germany if the NSDAP never came to power?

    How about this: Germany gets Danzig in exchange for ceding East Prussia to Poland.
  13. Merrily We Roll Along: A Post-1969 History of Looney Tunes

    Will Turner colorize Steamboat Willie ITTL?
  14. Reconstruction: The Second American Revolution - The Sequel to Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid

    Wonder if there's gonna be an equivalent to the "Those Wacky Nazis" trope for the sesech?
  15. Worst TV Episodes Never Made

    At least the plot was easier to follow than OTL!
  16. Worst TV Episodes Never Made

    Not as bad as the Saved By The Bell School Shooting episode.
  17. Worst TV Episodes Never Made

    Ugh, a "Very Special Episode."