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  1. WI US Carriers sunk in the Pearl Harbor attack?

    Two entire carrier air wings supernumerary to available carriers, (soon to be 3 groups, assuming Saratoga is torpedoed), would require a more land based defensive scheme than the use of the carrier groups at Coral Sea and Midway. Presumably losses of carrier aircraft at Oahu would be heavy...
  2. Finland Surrenders, 1939

    Interesting premise, but I don't think it matters. Hitler will simply convince himself to invade the USSR anyways.
  3. Admiral Essen Attacks Sweden in WWI - Possible Outcomes

    Potentially pretty big. If the Swedes are in the Central Powers, then the Germans could easily take Norway and move the HSF there, a stronger position than stuck in the North Sea.
  4. Admiral Essen Attacks Sweden in WWI - Possible Outcomes

    Thanks for clarifying that. The threat was a surprise attack on the Swedish fleet then, before the HSF could respond, and not an invasion?
  5. Admiral Essen Attacks Sweden in WWI - Possible Outcomes

    How does the Russian navy effectively attack Sweden with the High Seas Fleet in the Baltic?
  6. Do you consider Britain’s blockade of Germany in WW1, that led to 800,000 civilian deaths a war crime?

    Correct. War crime trials have a tendency to happen to those that lose wars. Perhaps there are cases where the two combatants were so insignificant in world politics that that the UN had freedom to charge people on both sides. But in this case, if the Germans had won the war, if not the...
  7. Do you consider Britain’s blockade of Germany in WW1, that led to 800,000 civilian deaths a war crime?

    I'd suggest the following - a tactic or pattern of behavior that, had the Germans won the war, would have conceivably led to the arrest and trial of Entente government officials for the crime of contributing to the death of large numbers of European civilians. That's not the legal definition of...
  8. If WW1 generals were bad and wrong then what was right? What do you think they were supposed to do?

    The Entente was fixated on a strategy of concentric offensives on all fronts. This nearly ruined them, and did contribute heavily to the collapse of the Russian army. A reasonable plan would have been simply to keep the Russians on the defensive, trading space for time when necessary.
  9. If WW1 generals were bad and wrong then what was right? What do you think they were supposed to do?

    The technology and mass mobilizations of the time only allowed for attritional warfare, and the basic objective of successful attrition warfare is, all other things being equal, that whatever you do must inflict higher proportional damage on the enemy than is inflicted upon one's own forces...
  10. Sea Lion ….. No Really

    The Japanese occupation of the southern part of French Indochina in 1941 triggered the oil embargo and 'showdown' style negotiation round with the Japanese into the fall, leading to the Pearl Harbor attack. The gist of the US position during those talks was that China was one nation and the...
  11. Sea Lion ….. No Really

    And one of their key national interests was that a man as impulsive and violent as Hitler must never be in a position to run Europe.
  12. Sea Lion ….. No Really

    Well, since it did not happen there can be no right or wrong answer on US intervention timelines. Myself, I've never bought the idea that the United States would be reacting to the moves of the other powers, I think they would drive events and find excuses as needed. In mid-1940 according to...
  13. Sea Lion ….. No Really

    Finding an airfield in pitch black conditions would be too difficult, with bombs scattered everywhere to little effect. Any attempts to mark airfields would just result in those marking being duplicated everywhere. Revetments are easily built, further reducing results. The best use of Bomber...
  14. AlternateHistoryHub suggests how Germany could've won WWII

    If the British gave up after a disaster at Dunkirk, the Germans have therefore won the war and met the conditions of the video. So why does Cody go on with a bunch of nonsense about a war in the USSR?
  15. Kaiser’s Arctic obsession

    If the Germans have icebreakers and are familiar with Artic conditions, then the German HSF would be in a better place to challenge the RN in the GIUK Gap, on account of the fact that at-sea coaling should be possible in an icefield due to the dead calm sea conditions caused by the ice. In...
  16. Sea Lion ….. No Really

    Seydlitz, Tirpitz and Graf Zeppelin might be available for trade to the Soviets, since operational status could be questionable for mid 1941 in all cases.
  17. Sea Lion ….. No Really

    Yes, it is a fair comparison. The RN and RAF Fighter and Bomber Command, Coastal Command, and Search and Rescue had almost a year to get their shit together on a Channel Dash, they knew it was a possibility when the Twins pulled into France. Yet, when the operation started, British command...
  18. Sea Lion ….. No Really

    First we are told that Sealion was impossible due to the power of the RAF and RN, now this is revised downwards to the observation that concentrating the fighter force for Sealion 1941 would have costs associated with it. Well, that ain't the discussion. Nobody said anything about risk free...
  19. Sea Lion ….. No Really

    I don't think the Axis can keep the Americans neutral beyond about the end of 1942 at the latest.
  20. Sea Lion ….. No Really

    I tried to come up with a general idea of where things stood in June 1941. Fighter Command had the following 90 squadrons, of which 17 look to have been night fighters. Of the 73 daylight single engine fighters, the squadron types were: Spit Mk 1: 11 (15%) Spit Mk 2: 21 (29%) Spit Mk V: 7...