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  1. Realistic multi-party parliamentary USA (Johnson impeachment POD)

    Seems like rather than dividing election between House and Senate you could reuse the underlying concept of the Electoral College and have presidential tickets chosen by a joint session. As for schedule changes, four years for the House and eight for the Senate seems like it would work.
  2. True Faith and Allegiance: A Reconstruction Timeline

    This is outstanding, I've been fascinated by the possibilities of Reconstruction for many years, as the record of my previous posts would show :-) I'm very interested in Douglass in South Carolina. I'm struggling to assemble a portrait of the modern political system from the hints thus far...
  3. How could you create 'true' world peace by the 21st century?

    I really think this is silly. The OP doesn't request the end of interpersonal conflicts. The target society is one where people still stab or shoot each other, and still form gangs and Camorra etc it's just one where states achieve the minimum expectation of kindergarten students, "use your...
  4. AHC: Direct Elections for US President included in the post-Civil War Amendments

    Nothing in my cursory search suggests that the question was ever meaningfully raised. There still hadn't been a real reversal yet (the Corrupt Bargain was a bit more complex than just second place wins). I'm a bit odd in that I feel like direct election of senators was a step back. Id prefer to...
  5. AHC: Direct Elections for US President included in the post-Civil War Amendments

    Thanks, I wasn't even aware that there had been any discussion of anything similar to direct election pre war. I'd picked the 1860s because 1) the path was open to amend the constitution, 2) there was an interest in improved representation and perhaps most importantly 3) transcontinental...
  6. AHC: Direct Elections for US President included in the post-Civil War Amendments

    There was no way to elect the president directly before the Civil War. Not only would it have been a technical challenge but the absence of the 3/5ths clause would have underrepresented slave states (well, it'd have represented them fairly, which they'd have taken as an outrage snd possibly a...
  7. American civil war delayed until 1869, what are the consequences?

    Im curious what effect the Corwin Amendment has. It actually seemed to be advancing before the secessionists took their balls and went home. Its intention was to put the question of slavery permanently to bed, I can say with good certainty that it wouldn't have done that. So what would permanent...
  8. Could the United States Presidency develop similar to the British Monarchy in terms of the exercise of Powers and Prerogatives?

    The Austrians never really changed their constitution after post WWII restoration, the current president has a broad range of powers that are never used. Norms can be as effective as laws.
  9. What if North Korea had lost their Hwanghae and Kangwon provinces to South Korea in the Korean War?

    I didn't catch exactly how this change would have occurred. [I've discussed a scenario where MacArthur isn't in command, the UN/US forces are a little more deliberate and dig in across the narrowest portion of the peninsula, so the border ends up being there when the PVA counterattack comes]...
  10. AHC:Prevent the cold war from starting

    Years ago I had a question about Finlandization. The Soviets were effectively convinced by their treaty that Finland was a "safe" neighbor and they never intervened (militarily). I had wondered if this could happen anywhere else and this thread has reminded me of the Czechoslovak coalition...
  11. U.S. Courts respond to school busing with artful compromises similar to Bakke decision (1978) on medical school admission?

    Yep, the key 70s court ruling on desegregation was Milliken, which restricted bussing across district boundaries. Despite the ongoing uproar after that point it essentially meant that desegregation was no longer a serious goal in K-12 education. My AHC would have the goal of getting to...
  12. AHC: USCG gets and keeps CVE’s

    Trying to take this as seriously as possible. What about an old LHA, despite the straight deck, they're pretty obviously carriers and they're particularly well suited to helicopter and small boat operations which the USCG does tons of. Small draw back, leaving aside any embarked troops, the...
  13. Modern city-state possibilities?

    Similarly, I've really enjoyed stories making Salonika a Jewish homeland.
  14. WI: No Major European Conflicts Post-Napoleon

    This might be ASB but I think it might have the greatest effect on Germany of the Great Powers. The various upheavals in France (Bourbon to Orleans to Nap III) are fairly internally driven but does the German Empire happen without the Austrian and French conflicts? Irish Home Rule in the UK was...
  15. Reconstruction Under Lincoln

    Again, when night riders burn a few USCT veterans out of town the Feds will feel obligated to intervene (assuming this is in the first couple of years after the end of the war, before the occupation became irrelevant). Enough of that and maybe Lincoln starts considering the possibility of land...
  16. Reconstruction Under Lincoln

    My sense of Lincoln is that while he was deeply principled, his application of those principles shifted with context. (I think his views on race are a good example of this). In the current WI, I imagine he he starts out conciliatory and moves closer (but not all the way) to the Radical position...
  17. New Union Treaty AHC

    Yep, that's the challenge. Gorbachev couldn't make it work (maybe even without the coup) at the time he brought it up. To me it's similar to many surviving imperialism challenges, by the time the imperial power wants to talk about preserving the union, the colonies aren't interested in staying...
  18. New Union Treaty AHC

    A topical challenge, a post - Soviet Union that includes at least the three Slavic republics. As drafted, the OTL Treaty wasn't going anywhere so the POD can go all the way back to the choice of Gorbachev as General Secretary. For additional points, create a New Union that includes all but the...
  19. Earlier Modern Adoption of Solar Power?

    I think solar thermal could also be useful, both for things like water heaters and for reflector arrays driving boilers (which is dramatically simpler technology for electric generation).