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  1. Maid of Norway, Queen of Scotland: A Plantagenet Britain Timeline

    Yeah, but again, probably if some hierarch wanted a club to use. That said, the Medieval Catholic church had some ...interesting ... rules. Such as, in Ireland(?), Barnacle geese could be eaten during Lent. This was because, since it was believed that they hatched from barnacles, they counted a...
  2. Maid of Norway, Queen of Scotland: A Plantagenet Britain Timeline

    Like a lot of rules, never really enforced, except when a bishop or Pope needed a club. Everyone was supposed to receive Communion at least twice a year, but the fact they kept restating it shows it did not happen.
  3. Malaya What If

    Safer to assume your enemy is at least as capable and tech savvy as oneself than the opposite. That racism bite the Allies in the bum quite badly OTL. Also, I have rad somewhere (here?), that the Germans assumed the British radar was inferior to their own, leading to some issues later.
  4. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3

    I have the utmost faith in Britain's ability to undermine opposition and dirty tricks! Oops! I mean their ability to perform acts of charity and generosity!
  5. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3

    Could the British negotiate with whoever is in charge of Tunisia itself, to do a deal where, as soon as the US troops land, the Brits roll into Tunisia w/out facing resistance?
  6. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3

    Indeed - "Over-paid, over-fed, over-sexed -and over here!"
  7. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3

    Yes, can you imagine the imbroglio if Montgomery had Ike's role! o_O
  8. Maid of Norway, Queen of Scotland: A Plantagenet Britain Timeline

    From our viewpoint, we can see that it would be better for TTL 'Britain' to sell the possessions in France, but, as several posters above have pointed- not in a Medieval mindset!
  9. What would James Cook have named New Zealand if he was the first European to discover it?

    Doubt he would name it after himself. He was from too humble an origin to do that. Royal family definite option, or, his patron was the Earl of Sandwich ( Yes, the one who invented said dish - or at least has been credited with such). He did originally name the Hawaiian islands the Sandwich...
  10. Maid of Norway, Queen of Scotland: A Plantagenet Britain Timeline

    I just hope Margaret does not feel as if she has failed, by having a girl first!
  11. Maid of Norway, Queen of Scotland: A Plantagenet Britain Timeline

    Given the culture of the time, such comments would be inevitable, I would think.
  12. What would James Cook have named New Zealand if he was the first European to discover it?

    New Yorkshire? that was his county of origin after all.
  13. Does Robert E. Lee get too much credit as a great general?

    I have read that exact thing - that Sherman wanted Johnston to attack, so he could pin him down and annihilate, bit like what happened with Thomas and Hood.
  14. Malaya What If

    Something's up.
  15. WI: This Catholic League in the Thirty Years' War

    Well, the French are still going to want to kneecap the Habsburgs, so who can they use here?
  16. If Abel Tasman had not found it, how long would New Zealand remain undiscovered by Europeans?

    Do'nt think so. He still has his trip to Tahiti and the first, known, non-Aboriginal and European to 'discover' the east coast of Aus.
  17. Anne, Duchess and Queen - an Anne of Brittany TL

    The Quaditerial is an expression used to describe France's so called 'natural' frontiers, given the present borders are roughly a square.
  18. Anne, Duchess and Queen - an Anne of Brittany TL

    Those matches could foreshadow some difficult conflicts for the future of France. I would think that achieving the Quadrilateral has become significantly more difficult!
  19. If Abel Tasman had not found it, how long would New Zealand remain undiscovered by Europeans?

    I suspect, if nothing else changes, Cook might be first European as he had a brief to go looking after Tahiti and the transit, although i did read somewhere that that was simply a pretext for the exploring for the South Land.