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  1. Polish Lithuanian Russian Swedish Commonwealth

    Maybe Sigismund III wins the civil war in Sweden and spends the next 5+ years of his reign cleaning house against his (political) opposition while playing ball with the religious tolerance towards Protestants that he promised but never lived up to. Having locked down his position as King of...
  2. Impacts on Asia of a Portuguese South Africa

    I think it's a safe assumption that instead of OTL's Portugal-Brazil dynamic it'll be a tripartite balancing act with South Africa added on. I think the most interesting question is going to be, does South Africa become the demographic heavyweight in such a scenario? Assuming Brazilian settling...
  3. WI: The Spanish didn't conquer the Inca Empire? How things would evolve to the Inca?

    You brought up these points regarding Spanish colonialism in Peru completely unrelated to the topic at hand. You derailed the thread. Spanish colonialism wasn't even the topic in my post you quoted, as you've been told. But you couldn't help yourself, could you? And ignored this point again when...
  4. WI: The Spanish didn't conquer the Inca Empire? How things would evolve to the Inca?

    Makes sense to me. Glorification of the Spanish Empire requires that you first take the Black Legend at face value as a fact, so that your baseline floor when presenting your points is 'Spain is being misrepresented and we can freely talk about the good things that the Spanish brought and not...
  5. WI: The Spanish didn't conquer the Inca Empire? How things would evolve to the Inca?

    I'ma be real upfront with you, I am not gonna give your reply the same amount of effort and attention to detail that you put in which I commend and even learned a good bit of nuance from. Given that everything you said is're still missing the point. This is 2 paragraphs of Spanish...
  6. WI: The Spanish didn't conquer the Inca Empire? How things would evolve to the Inca?

    TBH I think anyone under the Inca system that escapes it is liable to remain cynical about the Inca and lean into Spain's embrace unless they start behaving like cartoon villains. I think the Inca's biggest allure would actually be for natives that have never been ruled by the Inca being crushed...
  7. WI: The Spanish didn't conquer the Inca Empire? How things would evolve to the Inca?

    Agreed on the iron, it's relatively easy access and not all that far from notable population centers. Then on the coal, the coal is of decent quality, that actually surprised me. I was misinformed on that, thank you for correcting me. I did some more digging on the Peruvian coal industry. I can...
  8. WI: The Spanish didn't conquer the Inca Empire? How things would evolve to the Inca?

    Great points. I agree with you, the Inca's biggest dangers in the longterm outside of foreign military threats are internal mismanagement/incompetence and succession issues, their own geography and climate change, as well as blindside threats. The Inca OTL were blessed by a series of extremely...
  9. Miscellaneous <1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    Say there's no Hapsburg Spain but OTL's colonial conquests go more or less as OTL. Is there a scenario where the Spanish pursue an imperial title through their claim of being the Sapa Inca? OTL the Spanish attached the title of Sapa Inca to the titles of Phillip II but there was no real need for...
  10. WI: The Spanish didn't conquer the Inca Empire? How things would evolve to the Inca?

    I think an important distinction to be made is how this Spanish failure to conquer the Inca goes about. Does Pizarro fail militarily? Does the opportunity never even arise because of a gimped Spain having more limited opportunities? IMO the most important component of Inca survival is their...
  11. Ottoman Empire as a Russian dependent?

    I think you have the right idea, and IMO you don't even need to have them lose to Muhammad Ali completely. Have the Russians step in as the biggest champions of Ottoman territorial integrity out of the Great Powers during the leadup Oriental Crisis, arguably you could go back to the Greek War of...
  12. The Two Eyes of the World: A bigger Sassanid Persia

    Based on context and characterization, Narses is giving me the vibe that there's a possibility of détente between him and and his brother by virtue of him being an accomplished conqueror with lots of real estate to work on to the east whereas Bahram will lead the charge with the upset clergy...
  13. AHC: Make Russian an accepted part of the west.

    I think people are working the question backwards. The path of least resistance isn't about making Russia conform, it's also about making them less of an outlier such that there's no real need or desire to other them. Don't bother wasting time arguing what's part of the West or what isn't...
  14. AHC/What If: End the Atlantic Slave Trade earlier

    That's exactly the idea. It's so powerful that it could an 'If I can't have it no one will' if someone is forcibly evicted from the club with the support of the remaining powers. IMO the easiest candidates are either Spain or France being fucked by Britain and the other. A power that's been cut...
  15. AHC/What If: End the Atlantic Slave Trade earlier

    Have one of the major slaver powers overseeing transport get locked out of the slave trade entirely and abruptly. No transport, no slave exploitation, not even selling goods that are traded for slaves to other Europeans. They must have been a major player in the slave trade prior. Once locked...
  16. Spanish conquest of the Pampas

    I agree with you completely but will play devil's advocate on this one caveat; it'd be like a port in Bordeaux to export Polish goods if Bordeaux was by far the easiest place to transport Polish goods for export(downriver). There's no reason to conquer more land that you're not going to make use...
  17. What alternate history ideas you wish they were used more often?

    An Old World power playing Islamic Revolution Iran-style games in the New World with other powers' colonies resulting in a domino effect and a complete collapse of most colonial extraction models. Make it unprofitable enough and be willing to enrage every major colonial power enough, and...
  18. Miscellaneous <1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    Anyone have any ideas on how to recreate a stable de facto late Eastern/Western Roman Empire split, better yet de jure? I was imaging that a wildly successful Franco-Ottoman alliance that has reached the point of constant coordination and clear delineations of spheres of influence could reach...
  19. WI: Christian Somalia

    This is a really cool idea OP. I can't help but imagine (baselessly) that this OTL Somalia would be akin to the Manchu were to China; conquering their way into being subsumed by the larger, older, more prestigious entity(Ethiopia). There's so many butterflies that who can really say how things...
  20. If Europeans discover the Americas later what is the maximum extent of the Aztec and Inca empire

    In order: 1. I think the Cuzco elite are screwed, heads will roll, and many families that are nobles through lineage association with past Inca Emperors and their mummies are about to eat soooo much shit. The mummy system is an albatross around the Inca state and I think Atahualpa will be aware...