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  1. Tanner151

    Der Kampf: The Rise and Fall of the Austrian Führer

    Sorry for the lack of answers. My daughter was born and I have been spending the past week settling in. I’m still undecided, honestly. I think if I were to go back and rewrite Der Kampf I wouldn’t have the German Empire be reborn but eh it’s ok. The German Empire will be Empire in name only...
  2. Tanner151

    Der Kampf: The Rise and Fall of the Austrian Führer

    That’s fair. I’ll just have to see how things develop. Worse comes to worse its a ceremonial Kaiser and Chancellor
  3. Tanner151

    Der Kampf: The Rise and Fall of the Austrian Führer

    First Great Purge is undergoing due to Trotsky’s coup. The Second Great Purge is later in the decade, prior/ongoing to the Winter War. Ahhhh. Gotcha, thank you. Mhmm, correct. That is true. Emboldens the Axis Powers for sure. The more I think about it, the more I can’t see it going forward...
  4. Tanner151

    Der Kampf: The Rise and Fall of the Austrian Führer

    I would think the reason would be the Soviets are undergoing a slower heavy industrialization than OTL coupled with two Great Purges in the 1930s means the Soviet Armed Forces of 1940 is in a worse state than OTL 1940. Even though they do take Finland in this alt-Winter War the Soviets did so...
  5. Tanner151

    Der Kampf: The Rise and Fall of the Austrian Führer

    The smaller war in Asia will be the Anglo-Japanese War which lasts several months before WW2 breaks out in Asia.
  6. Tanner151

    Der Kampf: The Rise and Fall of the Austrian Führer

    Fair enough. I’ll have to plan it out when I get there. Japan and the USSR will be fighting each other during WW2, but it will pale to the scope of the campaigns in China, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific. Still the Soviets will have to keep a lot of soldiers there to stop the Japanese from...
  7. Tanner151

    Der Kampf: The Rise and Fall of the Austrian Führer

    Thank you! Appreciate it.
  8. Tanner151

    Der Kampf: The Rise and Fall of the Austrian Führer

    NATO is stronger but idk if EU will form as per TL. More free trade and easier movement but a single currency and integration, not sure. Depends how the story develops post-Book Series I could see it. Sverdlov will rule longer than Stalin and will NOT hesitate to crush dissent. I just can’t...
  9. Tanner151

    North By Northwoods: A TLIAW

    Caught up and loving the updates!
  10. Tanner151

    Der Kampf: The Rise and Fall of the Austrian Führer

    I didn't say anything about winning WW2, just the formation and maintenance of such an Axis Powers, possibly a few small local wars.
  11. Tanner151

    Der Kampf: The Rise and Fall of the Austrian Führer

    I think we are having a miscommunication here. You asked, "So what would ittl Alt Historians see as the non ASB best case for Austria?" and I answered a military and economic bloc in Southern and eastern Europe. That is the most realistic thing, and that's stretching it, that Hitler could...
  12. Tanner151

    Der Kampf: The Rise and Fall of the Austrian Führer

    Nah, you're good. ITTL, historians will say that the Sozinats 'realistic' goal, and one Hitler espoused, was to form an economic bloc couple with a military alliance, either to defend itself or to destroy Communism/Soviet Union.
  13. Tanner151

    Der Kampf: The Rise and Fall of the Austrian Führer

    Establishing a economic and military bloc in Southern and Eastern Europe to counter capitalist democracies and the Soviet Union I don’t know how large it’ll be at first but will be a strong alliance. Haven’t declared a name but it’s pretty much NATO but East/Southeast Asia PTO makes me think...
  14. Tanner151

    Der Kampf: The Rise and Fall of the Austrian Führer

    More of 1950s Europe will join NATO than they did OTL. I don’t want to spoil much more than that, but NATO will be stronger and the Comintern/Bucharest Pact weaker. Correct. Finland is a Communist puppet state by 1940. Even though less of Europe goes communist, the communists appear far more...
  15. Tanner151

    Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    Could hand wave it as him doing physical therapy and walks in the Rose Garden out of pure Irish spite of his injury.
  16. Tanner151

    Geronimo : What if Osama Bin Laden was killed prior to 9/11?

    Healthcare reform (probably OTL Affordable Care Act + public option + healthcare administrative/record keeping reform to cut down on bloat and administrative costs) A stimulus package that is a mix of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (includes TARP) plus the American Recovery and...
  17. Tanner151

    Der Kampf: The Rise and Fall of the Austrian Führer

    Don’t want to spoil the TL for others yet brought it up publicly. I checked my Reddit lists and I did post in AlternateHistory once. Send me the link in DM. I don’t remember posting that. EDIT: I did find the post, it is from 4 years ago. Some still holds true, others parts have changed...
  18. Tanner151

    Der Kampf: The Rise and Fall of the Austrian Führer

    If you ever do that, please let me know!
  19. Tanner151

    Der Kampf: The Rise and Fall of the Austrian Führer

    Verschmelzung is one of the big expansions of Austrian territory, for sure. I’m not sure how it’ll look. I’m hoping to talk to the publisher later this month. Mhmm Matzen will be discovered in the mid-30s. It’ll be a huge source of oil for the Volkswehr There will be a strong Sozinat faction...