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  1. Marc Anthony

    What If Henry The Young King Won His War?

    Also I wonder if him violently removing his predecesor would be used as an excuse by his younger brothers when they decide to rebel (which they likely would in an attempt to gain more power even if they don't oust him)? If they rebel they probably would claim that the rebelion isn't meant to...
  2. Marc Anthony

    Miscellaneous <1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    Yes... I wrote that thinking of high ranking members of the catholic clergy owning land and holding important positions at court then my reservation about that was when I remembered the Pope was also a "soverein" ruler independent of the various Monarchs for a large part of the Church's history...
  3. Marc Anthony

    Miscellaneous <1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    Kind of similar to how the Catholic Church in medieval Europe was a great landowner but without it's struggles with the Monarchy, which of course were over political power? Or perhaps the Eastern Orthodox Church is a better anology?
  4. Marc Anthony

    What if Russia was Zoroastrian?

    I remember being taught that there were and are still some Rabbies who ruled that Muslims, unlike Christians are also monotheistic. So while a church is considered a Pagan shrine that a Jew should avoid, a Jew can enter a Mosque due to it being a monotheistic shrine and a Muslim can enter a...
  5. Marc Anthony

    Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    It would be interesting an Alawite state that allies with Israel, has Hafez al-Assad come to power, then is allied with Israel and a Gemayel led Lebanon against Syria and the wider Arab world
  6. Marc Anthony

    Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    Looks like Yugoslavia will go through a civil war. And sadly yet predictably, the Assyrians lost.
  7. Marc Anthony

    List of Alternate Monarchs and Aristocratic Lineage II

    EdwardRex, I liked your recent post it's really interesting maybe you sholud turn it into a TL
  8. Marc Anthony

    WI No Revolt of Jeroboam (930 BCE)

    I agree, while the part about a massive kingdom reaching the Euphrates is likely an exagerration along with 700 wives and 300 concubines, there is a real possibility Solomon did exist
  9. Marc Anthony

    WI No Revolt of Jeroboam (930 BCE)

    Well, I think the United Kingdom (calling it UK is just to strange for me) would be able to fend off Shoshenq's invasion
  10. Marc Anthony

    WI No Timurid Conquests (after 1380)

    Perhaps someone opens a gate
  11. Marc Anthony

    Nixon combs the prison system instead of the Draft ?

    And many also carry bling on themselves in one form or another so it can give off an impression of wealth It really depends often on the circumstances and the crime
  12. Marc Anthony

    WI No Timurid Conquests (after 1380)

    Toqtamish was installed in 1379 so we could have Timur die shortly after to keep it in the 1370s
  13. Marc Anthony

    Nixon combs the prison system instead of the Draft ?

    Well, not all criminals are automaticaly going to be terrible soldiers. from my experience There are a few that made great soldiers and commanders: I have a cousin who grew up in foster, he had a criminal record. Aged 17 he decided he wanted to clean up his act and he worked really hard to prove...
  14. Marc Anthony

    What alternate history ideas you wish they were used more often?

    I'm not going to make Iran Nestorian even tho there will be a large denimination, but think some Turkic states instead
  15. Marc Anthony

    What alternate history ideas you wish they were used more often?

    Great idea, I'm working on a TL that starts in 5th century europe so they definately will be included
  16. Marc Anthony

    What alternate history ideas you wish they were used more often?

    Something interesting I wish was used more in Timelines would by Mythologies/religions of societies in TLs prior to 1900. Like how due to a nation's history changing Say the Iranians remaining Zoroastrians, or the Visigoths remaining Arians. Dune O The Desert was good in that way
  17. Marc Anthony

    WI No Timurid Conquests (after 1380)

    possibly more Tatars in OTL Southern Ukraine, about Lithuania, I'm less knowledgable, perhaps my Tatar ancestors don't move there, but perhaps they will as a result of an alternate civil war. If the Golden Horde survives Crimean and Southern Russian Jewery is less Ashkenazified, I presume that...
  18. Marc Anthony

    WI No Timurid Conquests (after 1380)

    I just remembered, the strong Golden Horde could block Lithuanian and Russian expansion and perhaps Russian unification, by actively intervening in their affairs, Moscow expands by attacking another Principality like Ryazan? Support the other side