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  1. WI: Prince Harry marries a non-European princess

    Also, she wanted to be the 'leading lady' - hated the idea, of playing 'second fiddle to the Duchess of Cambridge let alone curtsey to her. While advisors on hand gave her the advice on the 'whys' and 'wherefore' of certain situations, she had already decided how she was going to play the part...
  2. Concept Principle: A Northern Shoulder – The effects on the conduct of events on a Russian Front in WW2.

    Considering the high water mark of German Forces in '41, the distance from the new (in OTL) German/Russian border, compared with the original would've made a big difference to what the Germans could have achieved. ITTL - an interesting way that could have been achieved.
  3. WI US Carriers sunk in the Pearl Harbor attack?

    What if - both the Enterprise & Lexington were sunk during the Pearl Harbor attack? What happens next? I imagine that the Hornet is moved to the Pacific to join the Saratoga, but does the Wasp join them? Does the Yorktown's 'shake-down' shortened to make it available. I doubt the 'Tokyo Raid'...
  4. AHC: What kind of developments would be needed to make Algeria an industrialised country?

    How about a FFO situation where Algeria is needed to provide assembly for delivered lend-lease material from the USA. Plus making use of engineers evacuated from the mainland of France. The assembly factories, could morph into manufacturing French designs (some smuggled back from France - both...
  5. Argentina joins Axis, occupied and rebuilt by Allies in Cold War

    OTOH - with the big trading relationship with the UK, and many UK businesses involved in Argentina, more likely to have them join the British Sterling Preference area (indeed in otl they might have), following that - they apply to join the Commonwealth as a 'Dominion' country - all this before...
  6. AHC: Make Rock Music "Black" Again

    Contd. Inspired by the British groups, American youth formed their own bands, taking their image from the British rather than the 'clean-cut' Beach Boys - so you had The Band, Credence Clearwater Revival, and the Eagles, to name just a few, there some that had both black & white members -...
  7. AHC: Make Rock Music "Black" Again

    For me who lived through it all. In the 40s & most of the 50s there was 'popular music - Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Matt Munro Perry Como, and many more. They sang or crooned the song s that were crafted by professional songwriters. Then along came 'Rock & Roll, led in the US by Elvis, Gene...
  8. The Horrors of the (Alternate) Second World War

    Surprised I haven't come across this earlier - as it was, hard (but enjoyable) going, plowing through it. I think US planners in the event of Britain 'seeking terms' or being defeated, and the US at war with Germany had it mind to secure a base in the Azores & West Africa. I think an invasion of...
  9. A US 'Ju-88'

    @ennobee interesting, and that it related to the Greek campaign, so I read up: - initially defensive armament comprised three and later four 7.9 mm MG 15 MGs. - with lessons learned from the Battle of Britain, for the Ju-88A-4-dimension were changed - span increased, and defensive armament was...
  10. A US 'Ju-88'

    Don't see why it would, in my original post, I assumed it wouldn't - that was a German obsession - fine for single-engine aircraft, but for anything bigger led to design compromises to the detriment of the aircraft. Really, that would imply an Air Force of only B-17 & B-24s! As it was the US...
  11. A US 'Ju-88'

    Why do you ask?
  12. A US 'Ju-88'

    While the Germans liked to pretend Ju-88 was a German design - crediting it to Junkers cheif designer Dipl. Ing. Zindel, it was in fact designed by W.H. Evers - a US citizen, and Alfred Gasner. Evers after working in the US aircraft industry returned to Germany in 1935, accompanied by Gasner...
  13. Short Stirling used as Maritime Patrol Aircraft for Battle of Atlantic?

    Agreed, wonder if Shorts warned of the likely consequences of mixing the needs.
  14. How "should" WWII in 1940 have gone?

    I would agree, Bomber Command from UK bases, could have sent Wellingtons & Whitley's over, loaded with a mix 250lb HE & small 12lb fragmentation bombs plus some incendiaries. An attack outside the effectiveness of German 20mm, perhaps preceded by Lysanders 'marking' the bomb line, to arrive...
  15. How "should" WWII in 1940 have gone?

    But in France there was little Command & control setup. No RDF (radar) coverage, no (French version) Observer Corp. Little or no, AAA to defend these 'new' airfields that the RAF were to use. No, such a move would just have wasted the RAF and lost the Battle of Britain before it began.
  16. How "should" WWII in 1940 have gone?

    Moreover, the RAF sortie rate was higher than the French.
  17. Consequences of Leningrad falling in 1941-42?

    If, the access to the L-L supplies via Murmansk is compromised, then it will have a knock on effect elsewhere. For example, will the Russians be able to mount a viable offensive to isolate Stalingrad - doubtful. More like, a much more limited one, one that is contained. For the Germans, Baku was...
  18. Would a fascist US join Nazi Germany?

    If Charles Lindbergh had got elected in Nov. 1940 - I could see aid for the UK being cut back, no L-L, any expansion in the US military would be aimed at bolstering the Pacific. Internal politics, would stick to 'America First', while also being more sympathetic the German policies, and would...
  19. Consequences of Leningrad falling in 1941-42?

    IMHO - the best option to take Leningrad was earlier - before Zhukov took overall control of the city. If there was less interference from Hitler (hold there, wait for the infantry to catch up), and OKW insisting on attack routes, rather than the guys on the ground who could see the lay of the...
  20. Battle of Britain - Big Wing - opinions

    I think the other problem is having Bader & his squadron lead it. It was a major achievement after his accident, to be able to fly again, but reality was that he couldn't get to his aircraft as fast as the other pilots, therefore the Wing was slowed down while Bader's squadron caught up, and...