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  1. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    Flash forward 50 years to Call of Duty: Far Eastern War, lol
  2. Judging "AI-Generated Timelines" Discussion Game (Pre-1900)

    I'll bite. Model: ChatGPT 4o Prompt: Write a short alternate history timeline about the 100 years following a Confederate victory in the American civil war. İnclude the point of divergence and other changes in the timeline. Results: ### Point of Divergence (1863): The Battle of Gettysburg...
  3. AHC Indus Valley (Harappan) Civilization endures (2024 ed)

    While connections to Proto-Dravidian are scant at best (though some of the social and technological terms that have been reconstructed for PD do match what we find with the IVC), it's definitely the easy way out for such a conlang, especially if it's really just for narrative purposes.
  4. AHC Indus Valley (Harappan) Civilization endures (2024 ed)

    Seems like a hefty undertaking but as far as conlangers go, I'm pretty affordable 😉
  5. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    I think it's because the NPP is a more violent sudden force of an explosion against the pusher plate as opposed to the constant power of the little sun
  6. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    Looks like Kissinger had a better career TTL
  7. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    Calling it now... Mexican space program
  8. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    Sounds like an expensive problem. Would the fusion drive have the same issue?
  9. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    Oh no.... Gudrun, no.
  10. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    How long will it take Eisenhans to reach Earth?
  11. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    Chixculub 2.0
  12. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    So is the plan for Phönix to just fire it off and let fly out of the solar system in whatever direction it ends up going until it runs out of power?
  13. Linguistic what if: English retains its grammatical genders:

    You should use Thorn (Þ,þ) as opposed to P,p. That aside, it depends on the following history. No or little Norse influence from the Vikings will butterfly the Normans. There would still be French influence but not to the amount we had OTL. We probably see some words lose their genders as...
  14. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    Oh snap, the 800 lb domino just tripped over. I can't wait to see where this goes.
  15. AHC: Greater Virginia

    Maybe something like Tennessee's Grand Divisions but they actually be useful for something?
  16. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    Might they try for something like an O'Neill cylinder?
  17. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    Yo, this timeline has had plenty of those. It's scary what could be next. I'm calling an incident US vs Venezuela
  18. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    The Emerald Isle is gonna end up glowing green, lol
  19. A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

    I love the hard sci-fi this timeline is turning to