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  1. What if Tsar Nicholas II and his family successfully escaped Russia to the UK?

    I believe it was Trotsky who wanted the show trials. He was very surprised they killed the whole family (including the children) and was told Lenin gave the go-ahead on that. This is from Massie's book, based on Trotsky's own writing on the topic. Lenin despised the Romanovs and not one Romanov...
  2. What if Tsar Nicholas II and his family successfully escaped Russia to the UK?

    A lot of people seems to have forgotten their Robert Massie (of "Nicholas and Alexandra" fame) , and the Romanovs frame of mind when they were thinking they were about to go into exile. Nicholas was looking forward to a simple country life in England, Alix was more English than German (she spoke...
  3. AHC/WI: English Tangier?

    With a British Tangier there might not be a British Gibraltar. So Tangier might look like Gibraltar today. Would be interesting though to see a wholly British outpost in North Africa over the course of 300 years and how that would develop. British Berbers?
  4. Anne Boleyn Suggests an Annulment and Survives

    A surviving Anne and Mary would be an interesting scenario. If Anne is annulled, but survives, she really would have no more power to insult or put down Mary (things she did IRL and by most accounts repented before her execution, asking for Mary's forgiveness through intermediaries). She only...
  5. WI/PC: Jacobites target the French Throne

    Easiest way for Jacobites to get the French Throne. James II's daughter, Louisa, marries Louis XIV's 3rd grandson, the Duc de Berri, In this case his marriage is much happier with her, and he's probably not out on a hunting incident leading to his death. The Old Pretender, James Edward, dies...
  6. What other countries could have been 'Taiwanised'?

    I always thought an interesting POD would be the British giving the deposed Bourbons, the French islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon off Labrador, during the French Revolutionary Wars. Especially perhaps if Louis XVIII found no exile among other royal heads (which is something that happened...
  7. Results of a Successful Flight to Varennes

    History might still play out as it did. Though the royal family wouldn't be martyrs, there would still be plenty thanks to the Reign of Terror. A republic would still be instituted, war declared, Napoleon rising, etc. The biggest difference is that instead of Louis XVIII as pretenders, Louis XVI...
  8. The nine years Queen - Jane grey beheads Mary Tudor and stays on the throne

    I agree with others that Jane, given what we REALLY know of her (and not the sanitized idealized film portrayals) would have no hesitation about killing Mary if she was on the winning end. She supposedly accepted queenship reluctantly (according to her confession later, after Mary was queen) but...
  9. Kingdom of Bosnia in 1908

    Presumably, if not himself, then one of his male Habsburg cousins. FF may even give it to his oldest son given that they could not inherit the (A-H) Habsburg throne. There's no way its going to an outside party and risking the chance it leaves the Austrian orbit.
  10. AHC: Make Andorra have its own hereditary monarchy (no co-princes)

    Have it be part of one of the Napoleonic peace agreements (as an indemnity to the Bourbons for losing Parma or Spain?) or the Congress of Vienna? Give Andorra as a life fief to Marie-Therese, daughter of Louis XVI, who could not inherit France due to Salic Law but could in Andorra in the same...
  11. Bonapartism still relevant after Franco-Prussian War?

    I know that Henri V considered the Carlists his heirs (as his widow made clear at his funeral), but I think a Napoleon IV with a Spanish Bourbon bride would be sign as more legitimate to him then the Orleans (who he clearly detested and who were responsible for his life-long exile).
  12. Bonapartism still relevant after Franco-Prussian War?

    If Napoleon IV doesn't die and instead comes back to the UK laden with honors and becomes respected across Europe AND marries Infanta Maria del Pilar (who also doesn't die early in this timeline), as his mother and Queen Isabella II both wanted, cementing the Bonapartist line with the senior...
  13. Japanese Christian population expelled to Spanish Taiwan or the Philippines

    If they go to the Phillipines they assimilate into the population, BUT if they go to Taiwan we could see a mixed Spanish-Japanese state arising (the cultural mix would be VERY interesting) and the demographics (if left in peace for a hundred years or two) might be insane. A 100,000 Japanese...
  14. WI: Giuseppe Garibaldi fights for the Union

    Garibaldi always had an inflated opinion of himself. If Lincoln did that there would be a revolt within the ranks (given Garibaldi's ferocious anti-Catholicism, I can just imagine how Irish conscripts would react and that is not going into the many graduates of West Point there were among the...
  15. AHC- More San Marinos and Liechtensteins

    Napoleon II was still alive in Austria when his father died. According to the Wiki he asked several times to go to Italy for his health, if Napoleon never escapes Elba, stays there and builds his ideal state, and there is no Hundred Days, the Austrians might just let Nappy have it. What he would...
  16. WI: Marie Thérèse de France, Madame Royal, Has a Daughter?

    Whatever Marie Antoinette may have wished originally - Orleans voted to execute his blood kinsman Louis XVI (he could have abstained even or gone other options), and then as a National Assembly member did NOTHING to save the rest of the family (or even visited them) including the children...
  17. WI: Edward VI dies in 1553, but Henry FitzRoy had survived?

    While I don't think Henry would do this (Fitzroy by his very name was illegitimate from the get-go and not in retrospect by Henrican fiat) since it is unlikely Fitzroy would be acknowledged by the rest of Europe, even many Protestant powers (and certainly not Charles V or the French). Whatever...
  18. WI: Marie Thérèse de France, Madame Royal, Has a Daughter?

    Never Chartres. The grandson of Egalitie? Marie-Therese would never agree to it. She loathed the Orleans with a passion (justifiably IMO) and was always iffy on her uncles welcoming Louis-Phillipe back into the good graces of the main branch.
  19. WI Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich survived?

    Possibly, but ATL Nicholas II might react the same way his brother did to the assassination of their father. Basically - "he was willing to give you what you wanted and you still killed him, now feel the whip" kind of mentality. The easiest way to insure a constitutional monarchy is for AII to...
  20. Other possible Greek monarchs?

    Maximilian was second in line after his nephew Rudolf to the Austro-Hungarian throne - a far bigger prize than Greece - the other powers would never have allowed that.