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  1. Black

    Map Thread XXII

    The colors hurt my eyeballs. Like the map design just not the color scheme, if it was muted about 10% think it would improve the map tremendously
  2. Black

    Map Thread XXII

    Didn't mention it but the Libya border was decided after the great war and the border in Egypt was a peace deal brokered by the Ottomans when Ottomans Sudan, Egypt, and Libya allied together.
  3. Black

    Map Thread XXII

    Continuing my CP victory series. Sudanese civil war. Meant World Peace council not World Peace Organization. General scenario is growing insurgency in Darfur led to a declaration of indepedence and formation of Republic of Darfur. In the aftermath of this president and dictator of Sudan Koswara...
  4. Black

    Map Thread XXII

    Well good news and bad news but one of maps im working on is an Irish vote for independence, so we will have to see lol. Though I think next map is gonna be a civil war one in Africa. Gonna keep this tl going for a while really enjoying it. Though the reason I specifically went with north and...
  5. Black

    Map Thread XXII

    Me calling the two republica of the congo North and South Congo as shorthand really sparked a heated discussion. Didn't see that coming lol
  6. Black

    Map Thread XXII

    I use imgur
  7. Black

    Map Thread XXII

    I knew I stole that from somewhere but I didn't remember where lol. Perhaps east and west would make more sense lol
  8. Black

    Map Thread XXII

    Continuing my map series in the central powers victory scenario. The world in the year 2010. Updates since the last maps. Indian communist government has fallen, the losses from the India-Industan nuclear war proved too much for the government to withstand. With successionalist movements...
  9. Black

    Map Thread XXII

    What software did you use? I like the style
  10. Black

    Map Thread XXII

    ask and ye shall receive (Months later). Continuing my CP victory scenario we now are at 96 years post PoD and we got the Schwarz-Weiß-Rot on the moon. Check out my other maps on the history, but I took a little bit of a break. Essentially the world is split into 3 superpower alliances, the...
  11. Black

    Map Thread XXII

    I like the map, any information on the scenario. I'm not sure what most of these things means lol.
  12. Black

    Map Thread XXII

    Yeah and the wrong German flag at that. 😭 Ignore that part, I meant to edit it out but I forgot.
  13. Black

    Map Thread XXII

    Continuing my CP victory series. Following the devestating India-Industan war, leaders of all the major powers decided that there needed some mechanism to prevent events like this lest they keep repeating themselves. In the last 30 years nearly 200 million people have been killed in wars...
  14. Black

    Map Thread XXII

    Still doesn't explain why northern new spain balkanized, which was basically my question.
  15. Black

    Map Thread XXII

    Great map but what about other colonial powers? Seems like mexico was not fully colonized by Spain or it exploded at some point. Also curious how Haiti took over French Caribbean possessions
  16. Black

    Map Thread XXII

    There are definitely less English speakers in Germany proper in this time. I just ramped up English in Slovenia because it's specifically a tourist destination. I think that in this world there would be a few linguas franca because of the nature of the regionalization of the world. So you have...
  17. Black

    Map Thread XXII

    Continuing my CP victory timeline. And now for something completely different, and much less fun than the vacation haven of Slovenia. “Good evening, I am Klaus Richter, bringing you the latest developments from the ongoing crisis in Industan. It has been five years since the death of Supreme...
  18. Black

    Map Thread XXII

    I did think of that somewhat the numbers are lower than otl for Slovenia. Though yeah it would likely be much lower now that you mention it. I still think English would be a popular language for people to learn. The UK is kinda drifting into the German block since the 1970s mentioned in other...
  19. Black

    Map Thread XXII

    Continuing my CP victory series I present Slovenia in 1982. Slovenia joined the German Empire during the breakup of Austria-Hungary. In its early years it existed in a strange position between a violent dictatorship to the East in the proto-fascist Hungarian State and the communist Worker's...
  20. Black

    Map Thread XXII

    To me a diagram of a space station is a 'map' but I am not sure how well it fits in the rules of this specific thread and since I am doing a series of maps I wanna keep everything in here. And this timeline is probably not good enough for its own thread lol.