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  1. AHC: Latin America set up for success

    There are a few changes that alter LatAm history with varying degrees of success, thought the ones pre-Columbian contact are more about changing Europe. Finish the Reconquista earlier. Gives Spain a bigger head-start, and if the campaigns are less costly and the recovery time quicker, LatAm can...
  2. PC: Beauharnais Grand Duchy of Frankfurt

    Good on Murat! Love a (Napoleonist) man with ambition! What did he actually plan per se? (Did he ever express in favor Italian unificationism?) So Naples and Genoa would become the heads of an Italian quasi-federation, while the idea someone posted about Austria expanding its Venetian...
  3. PC: Beauharnais Grand Duchy of Frankfurt

    Exactly! I wonder what it would’ve looked like if Beauharnais had gotten each and every territory that was proposed. Genoa, Ionanian Islands, Frankfurt, etc. What would be the list, and what would it look like both dynastically and in terms of his and Napoleon’s legacies? Also, what was the...
  4. PC: Beauharnais Grand Duchy of Frankfurt

    Really? Do share the sources and potential matches. I’ve always been a fan of the idea of Napoleon being able to establish an interwoven web of marriages across Europe to assert his legacy.
  5. What TL ideas do you have that will probably never see the light of day?

    My main TL (Rule of the Radical Republicans) (Not sure where to go with it, and it kinda sucks that all roads lead to Reconstruction ending.) My Carter TL (others have done better) My Bernie 2020 TL (have considered deleting it) The current TL that I’m working on (but haven’t bothered...
  6. What TL ideas do you have that will probably never see the light of day?

    I get what you’re saying, but it’s those very nations rebuffing them that led to Molotov-Ribbentrop. The Soviets didn’t do it because they agreed with the Nazis, it’s because every country they approached either didn’t want to get involved or outright favored the Nazis over the Soviets (or at...
  7. What TL ideas do you have that will probably never see the light of day?

    That requires a USSR that has France/UK behind them. They were under no illusion that once Poland fell, they’d be next, and were looking to prevent that. Once the Allies turned them down, they switched to appeasement to buy time because they knew that due to circumstances (Great Purge, etc.)...
  8. What TL ideas do you have that will probably never see the light of day?

    Seems you have something already planned out, so not sure how to wrangle it with my knowledge, though I’m the first to admit I’m no expert. If you don’t want Trotsky as (sole) leader, there are other combinations: Lenin (avoids assassination attempt and, at the very least delays, strokes)...
  9. What if the communist party won the 1996 Russian Presidential election?

    Yeah, but I assume the question is what would they do in power, not just “Yeltsin goes from electoral fraud to an outright coup”. I can’t really comment since I don’t know much, and I’m not sure how much Gennady is a true believer in hard-line communism or if he’s an edgy democratic socialist...
  10. What TL ideas do you have that will probably never see the light of day?

    Simple: have Trotsky come to power. 1) He’s Jewish, so any negotiations with this USSR are DOA. This starved Nazi Germany of critical raw materials, as well as not letting them develop their tank technology on soviet territory to bypass Versailles restrictions. 2) Keep Maxim Litvinov as head...
  11. after a morning jog in late 1998, President Clinton decides to resign the right way

    Yes, but as a a messaging candidate, to serve a the “conscience” of the party. No one (including himself) expected him to actually perform in the primaries themselves, and the whole campaign was a bit of a last hurrah as well since he then went on to lose the ‘84 SD senate race. (Kinda like...
  12. after a morning jog in late 1998, President Clinton decides to resign the right way

    Are Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,, or Ukraine part of the CIS? (The answer is no.) (Moldova is, but they’ve suspended their membership.)
  13. after a morning jog in late 1998, President Clinton decides to resign the right way

    For all intents and purposes, the Central Asian former Soviet republics are within the Russian military’s scope. (A post-Soviet Monroe Doctrine of sorts.) Basically, any country in the Commonwealth of Independent States can be said to be under the military protection (and authority) of Russia.
  14. after a morning jog in late 1998, President Clinton decides to resign the right way

    Yeah, although increases in educational achievement and the like are very much a secondary argument for raising the minimum wage. (In other words, anyone in favor of it was convinced a long time ago, and anyone still against it ain’t converting to your side, but it’s a good thing to bring up...
  15. after a morning jog in late 1998, President Clinton decides to resign the right way

    I haven’t seen anything that he ever wanted to get rid of it in the first place. Moves to remove the filibuster are pretty recent. Exactly, why would the Senate Majority Leader give up one if his greatest tools, and in doing so, cause a revolt from the Southern Democrats? (If you think Manchin...
  16. after a morning jog in late 1998, President Clinton decides to resign the right way

    Problem is that 1) the majority supports those progressive issues (look at polling regarding ceo-worker pay gap, how many support Medicare/Medicaid, raising the minimum wage, etc.) The Obama administration is more an example of what an imperfect “perfect storm” can cause if improperly managed...
  17. after a morning jog in late 1998, President Clinton decides to resign the right way

    Health care was needed. We center access to healthcare around employment, and a lot of people lost their jobs. The issue is that the Democratic supermajority was an illusion due to the insane amount of Blue Dogs, as well as Kennedy’s illness and Franken’s delay. You could do both things at the...
  18. after a morning jog in late 1998, President Clinton decides to resign the right way

    Yep, Taliban offered to hand over Bin Laden if Bush stopped bombing them. Bush responded that he would stop bombing after they handed over Bin Laden. The rest is history…
  19. after a morning jog in late 1998, President Clinton decides to resign the right way

    I think the general consensus is that Humphrey should've waited until 1976. (Either butterflying the cancer or having him be tragically cut down not even a full year into his term.)