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  1. To Regain Your Lost Shadows: A Better U.S. Response To Holocaust Refugees (First Attempt)

    A not-totally-unsuccessful Evlan conference? Very neat stuff @Esotariot2002.
  2. The Giant’s Vigor: An early exit from the Great Depression

    Seems like another component for OTLS post-war housing boom, now (partially) shifted more than a decade in advance. This update really just highlights what not having three years of anemic recovery can do. Productivity still exploding, but now a whole lot more people employed and factories...
  3. The Giant’s Vigor: An early exit from the Great Depression

    It would be existing units. If I'm understanding correctly the government did rent control on a huge scale but, critically, did not put similar restrictions on property sales. Meaning that as rents stayed suppressed the potential profit the owner would get from selling, or converting the...
  4. The Giant’s Vigor: An early exit from the Great Depression

    The memory of the 20-21 depression following the end of WW1 is still pretty fresh, too.
  5. The Giant’s Vigor: An early exit from the Great Depression

    Oh that's interesting. The more I think on it the more I can imagine government economists happily eyeing juiced up war-time savings as a way to bridge the 'inevitable' post-war recession. With careful management, of course.
  6. The Giant’s Vigor: An early exit from the Great Depression

    Great updates! You're really starting to see the difference in economic capacity and investment here which will have some really interesting ramifications down the line, though passenger service is naturally still struggling. Really puts into perspective what a lost decade the 30s were for the...
  7. The Giant’s Vigor: An early exit from the Great Depression

    Between this and Cermak doing his best to finish the 1909 Burnham Plan it seems Chicago is experiencing something of a renaissance... even if it's at the cost of a lot of angry homeowners and urban renewal. The Clark Street development especially is giving me vibes from social housing in Vienna...
  8. The Giant’s Vigor: An early exit from the Great Depression

    This is really fantastic well-crafted work King(Henry)George. Not often I can find someone referencing Scott Sumner or the role high/increasing wages played in worsening the Great Depression. Just really great, I'll be watching where you take this. Correct me if I'm wrong but this feels akin...
  9. Reconstruction: The Second American Revolution - The Sequel to Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid

    Such a neat little thing to highlight, and something I imagine will get name dropped a lot during Congressional tours. The war and its destruction leading to the Capitol itself being rebuilt anew, but this time with free labor, black and white. Interestingly, from what I can find, by January...
  10. where comment

    where comment
  11. there update

    there update
  12. Where is my axe

    Where is my axe
  13. I truly despise you on a fundamental level

    I truly despise you on a fundamental level
  14. Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid: A More Radical American Civil War

    And here you can see how your story earns its title. It's often been remarked that this civil war has been a far bloodier affair, and now we have some firm numbers as to how. Double to triple, depending on the estimate, the number of deaths compared to OTL, most especially in the South.
  15. Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid: A More Radical American Civil War

    An absolute triumph @Red_Galiray, bravo. The contrast from how the war began and how it ends will always be fascinating to me. The South, aggressive and outraged, starting the war having pushed even farther with the admittance of Kansas and an even more lopsided Dred Scott. That they took and...
  16. Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid: A More Radical American Civil War

    I really do appreciate the logic you've used with the 1864 election. Lincoln only does slightly better in the popular vote than OTL, which might surprise some people. I think given his more radical platform and the course of the war it makes sense that it averages out to better but only to a...
  17. The Perilous Fight: America's 40 Years of Reckoning

    Very interesting Uzbek! This is one of those periods of great flux, with all the unrest and rioting and panic and overreach, that is equal parts scary and fun to read about. Seems like your America is going to be a not-so-nice place for the foreseeable future.
  18. Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid: A More Radical American Civil War

    You can argue it so many ways. Breckenridge being couped and murdered has thrown the Northern Democrats and copperheads into almost as much disarray as their southern counterparts, which in the immediate future is absolutely to Lincoln's benefit. But you could argue that in the long run it's a...
  19. McGoverning

    Just discovered this yes and I have to say, simply fantastic work. Dense, certainly dense, boy have you packed this with depth, but enjoyably so.
  20. Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid: A More Radical American Civil War

    It's been fairly obvious that the planter class has been sowing the seeds of their own destruction but this chapter truly did weave it all together. It all has a 'party like it's the end of the world' aspect to it. The nation is quite literally disintegrating before their eyes, the enemy is at...